My favourite paper story of season so far

Considering 75% ish of our squad is foreign and from Argentina, Italy, Spain, Chile etc I can only presume a few extra days in the sun will have been most welcome?

I know what I'd prefer!
The gist of this story was probably written a while back, they just haven't had the chance to print it yet till now.
Starsport understands

Mancini is believed to have

A club insider has revealed

said the source

who claimed that

added the club insider

You really couldn't distance yourself from saying something actually happened if you tried.

That would be quite funny of it was posted by one of our members as a Clarkie.
That explains why we lost at Swansea. Nothing to do with being outplayed by the better team on the day, as occasionally happens in the real world.
As soon as I read the word 'watershed' I knew it was bollocks.

There is not a single human being on the planet who would use that word in any sentence. Ever.

Rag Press embarassing themselves. Again.
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!.....WE`RE DOOMED


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