My opinion about Adam Johnson(merged)

Re: The truth about Adam Johnson.

I was all for him being given more of a chance a coupel of months back. Now he's been given that chance he seems to not really be delivering. Shame as I like this lad, on form he's great but he got no change out of the Liverpool full backs tonight and you'd hope he'd at least have had maybe 2-3 moments in the game but he did very little really.
Re: The truth about Adam Johnson.

unfortunately he has talent and potential, but is lazy off the ball and seems to be unwilling to take on players who can match his pace.

I have to say until he starts to apply himself he should stay on the bench with kolarov
Re: The truth about Adam Johnson.

I usually stick up for players for unfair criticism. Some players though are getting weeded out as being not good enough to where we want to be IMO. Johnson is not having an impact whatsover apart from the odd decent cameo appearance from the bench. Kolarov is another player who is showing he is not up to the task. Its a harsh reality and its becoming obvious with each passing game. Johnson would probably flourish in an average side BUT i genuinely dont think he is up for it. He has signed a contract so I would love to be proved wrong
Re: The truth about Adam Johnson.

his link up with aguero against arsenal got us to the semi.
On the other hand i knew he looked familiar...
Re: The truth about Adam Johnson.

our style of play is the problem[/quote]

WE are top of the league,highest goalscorers,best defence and our style of play is wrong because 1 over-rated player consistently under performs and is below average-get real ffs
Re: The truth about Adam Johnson.

Hopeless... absolute hopeless, should have sold him in summer as his value is going down now. He's never been the same since his ankle injury and with his big man attitude now is not even likeable like when he used to be the up-and-coming exciting winger. I can't remember the last time he made a strong impression starting a game. Could name 20 or so better wingers than him without much effort.

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