name an interesting fact about yourself.

TheMightyQuinn said:
Damocles said:
Ghost writer in the sense that you don't exist?

Ghost writer as in I be white, GOD DAMN, you know how white folks be doing? They dance like 'hm hm hm', GOD DAMN brothers be like dancing like they be invoking the spirituals or some shit, GOD DAMN, black man be dancing he be like 'HEY HEY HEY HEY' GOD DAMN.

Apparently my particular brand of not being funny goes down a storm in the good ol' U of S and A.

I do other material though, like how white people drive compared to black people and how white people eat compared to black people. The key to my success is my ability to keep my own voice whilst constantly shifting the scenarios.

I'm currently working on a brilliant Rice Crispies and Coco Pops analogy in which the rice crispies be white people, GOD DAMN, and the coco pops be brothers and you know how the rice they be popping like 'pop....pop' but the coco pops they be popping like 'POP POP MOTHERFUCKER POP MOTHERFUCKING POP'.

Maybe it's because I've not slept in 20 hours, but I couldn't stop laughing. Oh, the satire, it hurts.
MCFC BOB said:
I've gone from adoring Alex Turner to despising him about three years. He's turned into such an arrogant arsehole with a stupid fucking quiff when he used to just be a teenager making fantastic, energy-driven indie-rock music. It's amazing what fame does to people.

I could say the same about your facebook videos on the band page.....
glen quagmire said:
MCFC BOB said:
I've gone from adoring Alex Turner to despising him about three years. He's turned into such an arrogant arsehole with a stupid fucking quiff when he used to just be a teenager making fantastic, energy-driven indie-rock music. It's amazing what fame does to people.

I could say the same about your facebook videos on the band page.....
SkyBlueFlux said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Damocles said:
Ghost writer in the sense that you don't exist?

Ghost writer as in I be white, GOD DAMN, you know how white folks be doing? They dance like 'hm hm hm', GOD DAMN brothers be like dancing like they be invoking the spirituals or some shit, GOD DAMN, black man be dancing he be like 'HEY HEY HEY HEY' GOD DAMN.

Apparently my particular brand of not being funny goes down a storm in the good ol' U of S and A.

I do other material though, like how white people drive compared to black people and how white people eat compared to black people. The key to my success is my ability to keep my own voice whilst constantly shifting the scenarios.

I'm currently working on a brilliant Rice Crispies and Coco Pops analogy in which the rice crispies be white people, GOD DAMN, and the coco pops be brothers and you know how the rice they be popping like 'pop....pop' but the coco pops they be popping like 'POP POP MOTHERFUCKER POP MOTHERFUCKING POP'.

Maybe it's because I've not slept in 20 hours, but I couldn't stop laughing. Oh, the satire, it hurts.


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