Name three things you want to achieve in 2019

1 Go on Rawk and laugh at the Scouse bindipping ,coach smashing , bunch of C.unts after we have won the league and won Champions League.
2 Avoid being banned on dippers thread on here but that will only happen if the Scouse twats stay off it.
3 Get a new knee ...more chance of 1st 2 coming true lol
1. Live through it
2. Cut down on drinking
3. Survive the post brexit mad max style wasteland and set up in a farm on the snakepass
Only a special group of us get banned from the dipper thread,dipper over blue ;)

I'm always getting banned but not sure why.
I always tell them the truth but the scousers can't handle that.
They moan about us mentioning heysel's like it never happened.
They didn't smash our coach either... probably not them who got English clubs banned from European competition too
Graduate my PGCE
Take up a teaching post
Teach the little ones that United are shite, Liverpool are cunts and Grimsby deserve nothing.

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