Napoli Away

bluemanc said:
It's simple,don't wander about stay in a large group,nft.

Whats the point if you cant wander about and have to stay in large groups its pointless going Fucking shithole in my eyes rather save my money for Germany and Spain.And had made my mind up before reading anything on here it has a bad reputation for a reason
I hope you guys do not get offended with my postings on bluemoon (being a Pompey fan), but having been to San Paolo about a dozen times and to Napoli about 30 times I want to give you as much info as I can. I want you to stay safe and enjoy the trip to Napoli. By explaining their culture I hope you gain an insight into their mentality as football fans.
Firstly, about the police. The Napoli police will be 100% on your side and will be very courteous and helpful and very very protective. No way are they like the Roma police who batoned the rags. The only people the Napoli police draw batons for is Napoli fans . So please put that one to bed straight away.

Of course you are going to hear stories of the Liverpool fans who had a bad time out there. Every club has its renegade fans who cause trouble and Napoli are clearly the worst but it is worth pointing out that what happened the night before the game caused extreme anger with the Neapolitan Ultras. Those that attacked the Liverpool fans were branded mavericks by the ultras. Those Liverpool fans that were attacked had caused no provocation and in the Ultras view they brought shame to Napoli Ultras.

As the horror stories made the headlines, the good stories were never reported. I'll give you a few. Before the game a dozen Liverpool fans turned up at the stadium behind Curva B looking for the visitors entrance (Settore Ospiti - get used to the words). If they'd been Roma fans they would have all ended up in hospital. However they were escorted by a group of Ultras to the police to take them to the other end of the stadium. One group of Liverpool fans reported that they were drinking in a piazza when they were surrounded by a mob of ultras arriving on scooters. The Ultras stayed their distance and the Liverpool fan stated that they felt these guys were protecting them after the events of the night before.

That day I ate in The Spanish Quarters and 2 of the tables were taken by Scousers. I carried on a conversation from table to table with them in a packed area problem.
Napoli ultras pride themselves on a condition known as 'coerenza e mentalita' (consistency and mentality), and the attacking of normal fans is frowned upon. Watch this vid where a group of Napoli fans are baiting Liverpool fans. One of the Ultras comes and beats his own fans for misbehaviour!!!!
The upshot of the the Liverpool trouble was that it kicked off at Anfield in a revenge attack. Who bore the brunt of their anger? Yes you guessed it, many innocent family fans. So you City fans have the whip hand this time as you are at home in the 1st leg. Napoli fans travel en-mass and would easily sell their away allocation many times over. They took 15,000 away to Bologna last season and 10,000 to Milan (a considerable journey).

Please do not be offended by their behaviour. Before the match They will mob up behind a banner that says 'Curva A'and sing their hymms. Stand your ground get your cameras out and snap away...It is quite impressive stuff to watch, be bold and smile perhaps shake a hand or two, and say welcome to Manchester, swap a scarf. If you make a friend with a Neapolitan you will find them extraordinarily loyal and generous.

The real point I am making here is that in any City you find bad fans. They are a handful. If City fans are welcoming to Napoli fans they will reciprocate for your visit without a shadow of a doubt. It is about the Police in both cities keeping a check on the small group of troublemakers, and not being heavy handed with normal people.

Napoli fans do not have issues with City fans but they certainly have issues with Roma and all cities North of there in Italy...but that is based on problems that go back 150 years and nothing to do with football.

ps. I would love to come to Manchester myself and Bill (Bilboblue) is doing his best to try and find me a ticket. If you can help please contact him in the first instance he has put a request in the ticket forum.

pps. Getting to the ground. For the Liverpool game the Napoli police got the fans to congregate down by the port. They layed on a fleet of Pullmans (coaches) to transport them to the ground...collect them afterwards and drop them back to the port. This is the reason I have urged you to book hotels near Piazza Municipio (5 minute walk)and not Piazza Garribaldi ( 20-25 minute walk and an awful area close to Rione Sanita where the perps for the attack on the scousers happened). Piazza Garribaldi (main train staion) is packed with hotels...but even I wouldn't stay there!!!

For those wishing to go to the ground independently I would think twice about going from Piazza Garribaldi by train. Pop down to town (via Toledo) in the morning (enjoy all the sights) and leave by Montesanto Station. The Ground is served by 2 stations Mostra and Campi Flegrei (both right outside the station). The fare to the station from anywhere in Napoli is euros 1.60.

If I can help anyone with any queries I will do my best.
My god there are some shithouses posting in this thread. Are they the same ones who were terrified of going to Stoke last season, or shitting themselves about Eddie Beef and his fuckwit mates? If you don't want to go, don't go.
ninbelindur said:
Jordie Post subject: Re: Napoli AwayPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:46 am

Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:51 am
Posts: 384 I have never been to Naples but i have travelled a lot and i would be fairly confident it isn't as bad as Moston, Beswick, Ancoats or Longsight so man up you soft shites.

You obviously haven`t been mate.
Believe it or not, there is a whole world outside of Manchester.
I have been once myself, my family is Italian, and only have bad things to say about it, I wouldn`t recommend it personally, certainly not without an organised trip, even then I`d be in and out and I can speak Italian.
Ancoats, really ?

I've been to Naples though mate. 2 years ago stayed for 4 days, good city, good food, and good people. Didn't go the game as not in season. Napoli as a city has a bad reputation, and the area around the Central Station (what CS in all of mainland Europe isn't a pisspot) is dodgy, Smack heads, thieves and ner do wells abound. There looked like some pretty horrible estates too, and it's reputation is not helped by films and books like Gomorrah.
Yet millions of tourists must pass through that city every year due to it's proximity to Pompeii. People only ever exaggerate the bad. I've travelled around a lot, and in no way would I consider Napoli as a whole as a bad place, there are certain areas to keep your wits about you, but fuck me that's the same the world over.
I imagine it will kick off somewhere, but doesn't it always?
I am a tad disappointed that Napoli is getting a bad rep, chuck a few Italians into parts of Manchester London and Liverpool and see what their reaction would be.
7 rochdale blues booked , looking forward to it . But won't be taking rolex which I purchased from turkish market stall
markpollard said:
So who is going on this trip? Just been doing a bit of research on this away trip as I love Italy but the more I read, the more I am having second thoughts. Seems the dippers had quite a few problems there when they played in 2009 with 5 of them getting stabbed. I have travelled away with City and work and been to some pretty dodgy places but this place and its fans seem a step up. I have always made my own arrangements for european away trips but I am thinking of Thomas Cook for this one. Has anyone gone with them before and if so what are they like? Is this the safest option for the game? Do they arrange transport from the hotel to the ground?

Any help would be appreciated

who ever said see naples and die.
markpollard said:
So who is going on this trip? Just been doing a bit of research on this away trip as I love Italy but the more I read, the more I am having second thoughts. Seems the dippers had quite a few problems there when they played in 2009 with 5 of them getting stabbed. I have travelled away with City and work and been to some pretty dodgy places but this place and its fans seem a step up. I have always made my own arrangements for european away trips but I am thinking of Thomas Cook for this one. Has anyone gone with them before and if so what are they like? Is this the safest option for the game? Do they arrange transport from the hotel to the ground?

Any help would be appreciated

liverpool fans will always have 'problems' in italy. to a lot of italian fans heysel will never be forgotten
Just booked from 19th-24th nice mini break. No doubt I'll meet some of you guys around town...for the match I'll be in with the Napoli fans.
pete1201 said:
Just booked from 19th-24th nice mini break. No doubt I'll meet some of you guys around town...for the match I'll be in with the Napoli fans.

Thanks for all the tips etc Pete...can I trouble you for a bit of advice, trying to book hotel now and thinking of booking the Majestic @ Largo Vasto a Chiaia 68/69 - 80121

ok area etc?

Been told to avoid Forcella, spanish quarter, piaza garibald, secondigliano and scampia - sound advice?

stonerblue said:
Jordie said:
I have never been to Naples but i have travelled a lot and i would be fairly confident it isn't as bad as Moston, Beswick, Ancoats or Longsight so man up you soft shites.

you've obviously never been to Naples. The whole City is 'mafia' run and some of the areas are worse then all the places you named put together.
Obviously not, thats why i say as much in my post.
Everywhere you go is what you make of it. If you go looking for trouble you will get it if you are sensible you will enjoy the place and the experience (wether good or bad).

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