Napoli nearly sold out

philiph20 said:
You would think £25 to watch the likes of Aquerro, Silva, Nasri, tevez,Cavani, Hamsik, Lavezzi etc in the club's first game in the champions league after 3 fabulous and massively entertaining performances so far would not have so many unsold tickets....a section of our fans are very off indeed.
I think exactly the same as you,but at the end you'll see that will be all sold-out,news from Napoli....2700 tickets sold in just over an hour
So much for mcfcliams 28k. I would like to now where he gets his info, because he should not create made up crap.
We got 37,552 against Salzburg, no way will we get 28,000 against Napoli. We'll defiantly be hitting 45,000+

I have just booked 2 tickets in 122 row c, but now i am just wondering about the champions league hoardings? They usually take up 3 rows don't they? Anyone know if this is the case? It let me book row c and will be devo'd if i can't go now! Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks, Gaz. Naples today 2700 tickets sold out in 2 hours!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

They've opened only 2 windows ("botteghino" 3 e 5 at San Paolo stadium) and it was hard for some friends of mine to get it, someone arrived in the queu the night before! And sometimes it's even worse...unfortunately I live in Rome, yesterday I got the ticket for Cesena for saturday serie A match...

Please send us more tickets for the Eithad stadium! ;-)

All the best...and forza Napoli and forza City...we share a blue passion!


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