NASA Press conference.

Oh i don't mean to have a dig boss, i just feel you totally got them wrong. If you can watch a series called 'How The Universe Works' that explains the basics and puts across the enthusiasm for adventure these people have, not to mention far more physicists are hot women than i dared imagine :-D

Amy Mainzer, NASA jet propulsion lab physicist...



Yeah you would @TonyM hehe
Cake! Mmmmm!
If evidence of life is found on another planet that would be absolute proof that the universe is teeming with life as the most distant planet detectable from earth is only around 20,000 light years away compared to the diameter of the universe being 93 billion light years. That means we can only see planets in 0.000000000000000002% of the universe so if we've found another planet with life in that relatively small area, there must be trillions of planets beyond where we could detect them that have life.
I'm not sure how anyone applying logic to the equation can deny that the universe is teeming with life.
It will be a large dwarf planet beyond the Kuiper belt. Nothing to get excited about.

I'm not sure they'd do a major conference on that weight of a finding. Didn't they find through Kepler more than 1,200 new planets last year? The exoplanet tally's already on 3449 so I think it's new information they are presenting this time around. Won't be as exciting as finding evidence of lifeforms but something new, like a planet that has a similar atmosphere to ours. We haven't found one yet.
I think there has to be alien life elsewhere and I think with the advances inn technology it is only a matter of time before this is proven. I do get the impression that information is being drip fed to the media and this may be an example of it.

No pictures of little green men but maybe scientific evidence that alters the balance of probability strongly in favour of life elsewhere.
There it is. 2 pages in. The old 'media' line, a new favourite
I think there has to be alien life elsewhere and I think with the advances inn technology it is only a matter of time before this is proven. I do get the impression that information is being drip fed to the media and this may be an example of it.

No pictures of little green men but maybe scientific evidence that alters the balance of probability strongly in favour of life elsewhere.

The probabilities are already overwhelming.

Not sure about "I do get the impression' bit though. That's what UFO/ancient Alien whackos come out with.

Def life out there but the distances mean it may never happen contact wise. That's just physics rather than deliberate avoidance of telling us.
They have received communication in the form of a scrambled message...Which they have looked at and decifred it and it's says....They will pay for the wall..
Sigh. I'm sure you were kidding, but no.

Obviously a flippant percentage, however, the fact that 42% of Americans (study 2014) actually believe in this nonsense tells me all I need to know.... Faith schools are not just on the doorstep of Islam (despite what fox fake news tells you), they are becoming big business in the US due to the tax breaks introduced by George W, they have a hold of the curriculum....

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