Nasri [Merged] continued.

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Re: Will Nasri be allowed to play in the Spurs game next week?

Friday afternoon is deadline for this week! So excited
Soulboy said:
There are going to be a fair few flappers on here squirming with embarrassment at some of the things they've posted today!

And I'm chuffed SWP Back's won his bet... it's not as if he needs the the money, but it's the sweet smell of victory in the nostrils!

There's nothing like it...

Oh I always need money mate. Fancy a Range Rover....

Cheers though.
CityForever45 said:
squirtyflower said:
CityForever45 said:
He's flying there to play, if you think he's going on holyday you are gonna be deluded.

And i don't even respond to the sexual reference. It only shows how immature you are.
absolute classic post
have you down as a WUM niw
BBC was reporting it, but i guess you can't even trust he BBC these days.
so to save your rep you should post that 'the bbc have reported...' and not pass it off as fact.
lee-mcfc said:
"Imagine worst situation - we lose Cesc and Nasri - you cannot convince people you are ambitious after that"
Add to that the real possibility of getting put out of the CL on Wednesday. Principle Skinner must be sh*tting himself

Id just like to say a big thank you to all of you for making my computer crash with all the posts!!!!

In all seriousness tho, great fuckin news!! Will he be in the squad this wk end?
Is it possible it's really over. Samir Nasri a blue. Fuck! This isn't going to sink in til
I see him holding the shirt. (btw is he as good as Jamie pollock?)
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