i really have to pinch myself,have we really got all these players in a blue shirt?
have we?
was it really over ten years ago that jason van blerk,tony vaughan and lee bradbury was trying their worst in our sacred shirt?
was gareth taylor really that bad? thought so...
didn`t we have buster phillips marauding down the wing in a reserve match as bally was saying he`ll be the next £10M player?
well tonight matthew,i`m walking with the king,i`m the cow that is going to be jumping over the moon,i`m zeberdee to the power infinity and i`m a man city fan who`s having his day in the sun..
let the games begin,thank you sheikh and khaldoun,you had the balls to take us on and you walk the walk and talk the talk...
forever in your debt guys,forever in your debt...