Natalie At MCFC

Just rang up the MCFC ticket line and had a fucking RAG called Amy treat me like Shit, how do I get hold of this Natalie?
ROBL250 said:
Just rang up the MCFC ticket line and had a fucking RAG called Amy treat me like Shit, how do I get hold of this Natalie?
PMFSL!!! how do you know she was a rag??????????????

If she was anything less than extremely helpful I could understand your fears though
ROBL250 said:
Just rang up the MCFC ticket line and had a fucking RAG called Amy treat me like Shit, how do I get hold of this Natalie?

I wouldnt bother unless you gt a really good tale. I spoke to her this morning - my issue was that i got thorugh, booked three tickets for my mates but for myslef and one of my mates it kept saying our baskets already had tickets in them. She agreed it was a glitch at their end but said that there were no more tickets being released until monday so i have to join the scramble - she couldnt reserve any either. She did hopefully clear the problem but i got the impression that they acually havent got any left, other than non-taken ST's.

Looks like one of my mates is missing out, but which one?
All I asked was to speak to Natalie, all I got was "whats your card number, whats it regarding" etc, then she goes "you'll just have to queue up in line like the thousands of other city fans."
Ive fucking paid 25 quid out of my pocket already for this ticket and not spent 1 penny on this fiver ticket.
Ive been supporting City since I was born and now im shunted in the cold outside COMs at 5 in the morning on Monday because pricks who dont even support the club have sold me out. If anything if the club valued my support they have said "on this occasion we'll let you have this one seeing as its a one off", but no its "fuck off we dont value your custom."
Here is Natalie.....

ROBL250 said:
Just rang up the MCFC ticket line and had a fucking RAG called Amy treat me like Shit, how do I get hold of this Natalie?

Just been on talking to that Amy lass too. Grrr what an ignorant cow. When i asked about hospitality she just put me straight through without taking my customer number for Mondays ticket, the purpose of the call in the first place!!!. However i called back and a lovely lass whose name escapes me listened to my story of flights and hotel and no match ticket. After a few minutes of sobbing and then pulling ourselves together, She had a word with her manager and found me a single seat in 211 for £5. Phew...........God bless her :)
ROBL250 said:
All I asked was to speak to Natalie, all I got was "whats your card number, whats it regarding" etc, then she goes "you'll just have to queue up in line like the thousands of other city fans."
Ive fucking paid 25 quid out of my pocket already for this ticket and not spent 1 penny on this fiver ticket.
Ive been supporting City since I was born and now im shunted in the cold outside COMs at 5 in the morning on Monday because pricks who dont even support the club have sold me out. If anything if the club valued my support they have said "on this occasion we'll let you have this one seeing as its a one off", but no its "fuck off we dont value your custom."
Think back to maine Rd. You had to go all the way to the ground. Queue half the day outside the tiny ticket office.

If there are 44,000 tickets for City fans, and 60,000 want tickets, 16,000 fans are going to be unlucky.

I'm not saying the procedure can't be improved, but there are season tickets, or the Cup Direct Scheme. If you don't join those, you run the risk of missing out when demand exceeds supply

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