National Conservatism

Is Roderick Spode not taking part?

David Starkey is an interesting one. A historian who presents himself on the BBC as a 'constitutional expert', although I am unaware of any evidence that suggests he knows more about the constitution than I do. It would be polite, and courteous, to call him 'eccentric'. My frank opinion would be more along the line that he's an utter ****. I thought that before he showed his political colours.

Correct. He's a historian whose expertise is the Tudor period. Anything outside of that he's either Pop-historian or blagging it.

He's had several books published and the only one that focused on the constitution was Magna Carta (which is now a relic, referred to more often by freemen of the land than actual lawyers).
If you don't like being grouped together you could at least save that trademark for the @mexico1970 account.

Just seemed like something that would be right up your street.

A lecture on great replacement theory followed by a performance from the black and white minstrels.

I have literally zero fucking clue what you’re waffling on about but I’m sure you will get a couple of likes for it.
Have you seen the state of these fuckwits, they are fucking nuts, they are two crazy boxes of frogs on a trampoline having taken LSD whilst dressed in ninja turtle suits.

Seriously though they are backed by American right wing christian evangelist money and are quite happy to use the anti semitic trope of cultural marxism as a weapon, for those who do not know what cultural marxism came from it was from the actual Nazi's who used the Protocols of the Elders of Sion to promote cultural bolshevism. They have now twisted this derided conspiracy theory to mean that the "liberal" west is home to wokeism (another word for political correctness) and that the west is going down the metaphorical toilet.

Check out some of the speeches on Politics Joe and see for yourself, personally I find them scary, very fucking scary.

Nat c ....sounds fucking familiar to me.
Wankers the lot of em. Like the sound of LSD though...
Hope you're good Rascal.
Genuinely odd.
Correct. He's a historian whose expertise is the Tudor period. Anything outside of that he's either Pop-historian or blagging it.

He's had several books published and the only one that focused on the constitution was Magna Carta (which is now a relic, referred to more often by freemen of the land than actual lawyers).
He also thinks Richard 3 "did it" which puts me right off him.
He showed himself up when he talked down to some of the women guests (who were as equally qualified) on a show about the discovery of the remains.

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