NDJ doubters ... do you need further evidence ??

Sabster said:
oakiecokie said:
You really are one saddo ,aren`t you ????

Great responce, really pushed your point through there..

It does back up my point though that the majority of people who think NDJ is world class are not the brightest and they love him because of his effort and tackles BUT that does not make him world class.

-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:13 pm --

staffs_blue said:
LOL.Funniest thing i've heard for a while!!


That picture shows that he has pace and phgysicality..

Charging in for tackles is not physicality.

I like him and I'm a rocket scientist.
I don't think anyone can disagree that in a match like today he is worth is weight in gold and more. But playing like this against weaker teams is not always the best thing, and he COULD potentially be sacrificed.
Sabster said:
Joga Bonito said:
Pace and physicality?!?!?!

Boy you must have heard a commentator say that today and just figured you should repeat them to sound smart...

....... And I haven't being saying that for ages.

De Jong has no pace
Gets beaten every time he goes shoulder to shoulder
Can't win the ball in the air

All attributes the BEST dms have.

Today he was great BUT in a more open game he gets bypassed far far far too easily.

Makalele didn't have pace, never won a header but he wasn't to shabby was he, also i thought Gareth Barry pushed Kompany close for MOM today. Just be honest for a minute, are you serious or just on the wind up?
didnt think it was possible for him to better his performance against Chelsea last year at home but he did lol
FantasyIreland said:
Sabster said:
De Jong has no pace
Gets beaten every time he goes shoulder to shoulder
Can't win the ball in the air

All attributes the BEST dms have.

Today he was great BUT in a more open game he gets bypassed far far far too easily.

Read Makelele.

Sabster you're boring now,go and have a bowel of jellied eels,then take your head for a shit

Makalele was very quick and very strong and initiated attacks brilliantly.

Could someone defend De Jong against my criticism intelligently without just spueing out crap insults?<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:18 pm --<br /><br />
oakiecokie said:
Sabster said:
Great responce, really pushed your point through there..

It does back up my point though that the majority of people who think NDJ is world class are not the brightest and they love him because of his effort and tackles BUT that does not make him world class.

Strange !!
As the OP, I don`t recollect using those words "World Class"
But now you come to mention it .....

Any response to my criticism of him..

I put out perfectly cohesive fair arguments and never get anything reasonable back. Anyone going to change that?
NDJ is BY FAR the best defensive midfielder in the world.

Better than Mascherano.

Anyone who doubts his ability simply doesn't understand the game, sorry.
Sabster said:
He played brilliantly today no doubt.

But for me he still lacks pace and a physicality that the best DMs have.

In a a more open game he would get found out (commiting himself, lack of pace and poor positioning) but in games like this he is brilliant.

When that hole you keep digging for yourself gets nice and deep will you please rescue those trapped miners...that would be awfully nice of you old chap.
Sabster said:
FantasyIreland said:
Read Makelele.

Sabster you're boring now,go and have a bowel of jellied eels,then take your head for a shit

Makalele was very quick and very strong and initiated attacks brilliantly.

Could someone defend De Jong against my criticism intelligently without just spueing out crap insults?

Well I think the old adage "if you live by the sword ..." certainly springs to mind,so be prepared for the shit thrown at you !!

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