Nedum Onuoha thank you for your honesty.

Tonight at our Mid Cheshire Branch Meeting we had as our Guest Speaker the truly wonderful and most honest Guest Speaker we have ever had ... one Nedum Onuoha.
From the moment he walked into our local Winsford local (George & Dragon) and engaged himself to not just City fans but those who recognised him he laughed and joked as though it was his local boozer.
One of the highlights for me was his response to my question ref his relationship (or none with Gary Cook) since his infamous e-mails to his Mum. However Marwood didn`t escape his criticism and he too was equally as bad as Cook and even now lies were told about how Everton wanted Nedum but Marwood lied about it and eventually he ended up at QPR.
If ever you get the opportunity to see Nedum please do, as his hate for United still ranks, even though the Dippers are our current closest rivals, but not in Nedums eyes.
A wonderful speaker, but a true Blue Mooner even as an ex Player.
Nedum ... well done mate and a true Blue if ever we doubted you.
Our branch had him in a month or so back. He structured it as a Q&A. Some of the same things were discussed as you stated. The stuff about his Mum also came up, and the fact that none of his family at the time of the Cook/Marwood shit knew she was terminal. One of the young kids was filming him, which he didn't mind, but when he got to the topic of the Rags, he asked him to stop. He hates them with every bone in his body.
Lovely bloke and a great speaker.
Micah makes his love for City obvious , no idea why anyone would question his love for the club .
footballers generally have a different relationship with who they support. they’ve got their childhood club but that is likely to start diminishing from age 13/14 onwards when their ambition is to become a player and wherever they are as a youth player. then they move about during a career and end up several allegiances. so they’re never gonna be hardcore like you and I, in Micah’s case he’ll support City but its not a desperation from years of shit like us, he just knows his experience as a trainee and player, then he also bigs up Villa and then he probably has a bit of Leeds love still in the ether
Tonight at our Mid Cheshire Branch Meeting we had as our Guest Speaker the truly wonderful and most honest Guest Speaker we have ever had ... one Nedum Onuoha.
From the moment he walked into our local Winsford local (George & Dragon) and engaged himself to not just City fans but those who recognised him he laughed and joked as though it was his local boozer.
One of the highlights for me was his response to my question ref his relationship (or none with Gary Cook) since his infamous e-mails to his Mum. However Marwood didn`t escape his criticism and he too was equally as bad as Cook and even now lies were told about how Everton wanted Nedum but Marwood lied about it and eventually he ended up at QPR.
If ever you get the opportunity to see Nedum please do, as his hate for United still ranks, even though the Dippers are our current closest rivals, but not in Nedums eyes.
A wonderful speaker, but a true Blue Mooner even as an ex Player.
Nedum ... well done mate and a true Blue if ever we doubted you.
Something Ned and I have in common. I detest the media driven, moron-moulded anus slobbering that comes with anything re the Dipper, but by jings it doesn't take much more than a gram or two of print or an ounce of verbiage to bring MANUre back into the most detestable club I've known.
Clearly a sharp bloke and a good guy - I've always got time for Onuoha. But I'm sorry - controversial as it is, I had no issue with Cook and I actually thought Ned's mum was the bad guy in all of this. Obviously she was very ill and nobody would wish that one anyone but she did try to exploit it to her advantage and I can't get behind that.

What exactly did she do that you take issue with?

Without more clarification, that reads very much like a "I'll back anything that anyone associated with my club does, regardless" type of comment.
You really can't blame Nedum for being upset with Cook, and Cook's behaviour over this affair didn't exactly place him in a good light. He had to resign (but there was a suspicion that this suited him).

But there was more to this than is realised. My memory is a little hazy on the exact sequence but I got involved by accident as I think I was a mod at the time and a poster (who was a good pal of Nedum's) put up some personal information about himself and the goings on that I didn't think he should have. So I contacted him and got the whole story (as he told it).

The offending email had actually been sent a year before the story broke and when you realise that, you realise there was more to it than a simple email going to the wrong person. Ned's family were very friendly with the Wright-Philips's, so Ian Wright knew Ned's late mum.

At the time the email was originally sent, Ian Wright was trying to get SWP a new contract at City so had no interest in rocking the boat. But once those talks broke down a year later, and it was clear there wouldn't be a new contract, he passed the story onto the media. He denied he'd been paid but I believe he was. However I also believe he passed it on to Mrs Onuoha, so he didn't benefit from it directly.

Anyway, the background got passed to the club and suddenly it all went quiet. I have some sympathy for Cook, who presumably pressed 'Reply all' instead of 'Reply' to Marwood's forwarding of the email from Mrs Onuoha, but his attempts to wriggle out of it, instead of just admitting his mistake and apologising, sealed his fate. You may well think Ian Wright's part in this was a little cynical or you might think it was entirely justified. I can see both viewpoints and tend to think it was a bit of both.
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