Nelson Mandela RIP

Paris Hilton said she was saddened at the news of his death and thought that his, "I have a dream" speech was very moving.
2sheikhs said:
Paris Hilton said she was saddened at the news of his death and thought that his, "I have a dream" speech was very moving.

That was a fake. Although she probably thought it.
paphos-mcfc said:
foxy said:

Got to love India!


Is that Nelson Freeman or Morgan Mandela?

Erm I think it's Denzel Washington
dazdon said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dazdon said:
When's the film coming out and which one of the weepers is going to get the profits?

And as this thread has already cast the lead role...will Oprah play Winnie Mandela?

...and Johnsonontheleft as Eugene Terreblanche?

If I knew who that was m8 i'd more than likely agree ;-)


dazdon said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dazdon said:
When's the film coming out and which one of the weepers is going to get the profits?

And as this thread has already cast the lead role...will Oprah play Winnie Mandela?

...and Johnsonontheleft as Eugene Terreblanche?

If I knew who that was m8 i'd more than likely agree ;-)

Founder of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging mate - possibly the most extreme white supremacist right wing party in South Africa.
Google AWB if you need to know just how bonkers they are, although you may get the Average White Band instead, who's only crimes were against music.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dazdon said:
When's the film coming out and which one of the weepers is going to get the profits?

And as this thread has already cast the lead role...will Oprah play Winnie Mandela?

...and Johnsonontheleft as Eugene Terreblanche?
DJ Campbell as Hansie Cronje and 2 Sheikhs as Jan Smuts.

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