Never had a problem with the Police untill..KINDA RELATED UP


Well-Known Member
4 Jul 2009
This happened......

First off - a bit of background...... we live on a new estate a little bit out in the sticks and there is a group of lads about 16 ish who generally make a nuisance of themselves in the park areas or in the orchard behind our house getting pissed and smoking a bit of weed, now its not this that I have a problem with as I used to do it when I was younger - well not the weed smoking. What I do have a problem with is the state they leave the place in, smashing fuck out of the summer houses that have been built for public use, smashed glass bottles everywhere, beer cans, takeaway containers, the plastic that holds your 6-pack together, remnants of a bonfire, let off fire extinguishers, stolen nail guns from the builders compound and lots of other stuff littering the place and making it somewhere you can't walk yourself, your kids or dogs.

So last Saturday afternoon my Mrs was walking our dogs in the woods/orchard behind our house, this group of little shithouses were in their usual corner and one of our dogs went over to see what they were up to and was promptly punched in the head and had two bottles thrown at him, my Mrs was about 20 feet away, told them to leave him alone and clipped him back on his lead and walked away. The lads then followed her through the woods and into a field for about 200-300 yards throwing sticks and stones near/at her trying to intimidate her and wind the dogs up, one of them even dared his mate to 'kick the puppy like a football'.

We rang the police at 16.30 ish on Saturday, as soon as she got home....bless them they sent out a PSCO at approx 20.00 on the Monday evening - over 48 hours later!! Oddly enough she couldn't do anything so told us to ring back if they are there again up generally up to no good.

Shock horror yesterday late afternoon they were in same spot doing the same as usual, she had dogs on the lead as she spotted them and turned to walk the other way only to have a load of abuse hurled at her from pissed and stoned little cnuts. The police were rang again and turned up about 40 mins later and his attitude was appalling.

In his words......
'What makes you think they were drinking and smoking illegal substances'
Well, they were drinking from Stella bottles and it stunk of weed in the area'
'How do you know what that smells like'
Because we do
'Ah, well I shouldn't really say this but if its just a bit of alcohol we are not that bothered'
Well its not just a bit of alcohol, its the shithole state they are turning the place into and the fact one of them twatted my dog and they all threw things at and intimidated my Mrs
'Mmm, well we don't really have many calls from round here'
Oh, I know of 3 people who have reported stuff in the last 2 weeks including the building company coz these kids keep nicking their stuff.
'Oh right, I'm not a local officer. Anyway I had a walk round there and couldn't see anything'
You must not have been in the right place as you cannot miss the place they loiter, do you want me to show you?
'No thanks, I'll have another look myself'

Cue copper walking to his van and driving off. What a complete waste of space and money, a truly useless **** who clearly couldn't give a fuck. If my dog had bitten the little shite who punched him I am sure he would have been a whole lot keener to do something. I thought that 'Anti Social Behaviour' was something they wanted to clamp down on! Used to stick up for them a bit saying must be a tough job - clearly it isn't, if you don't like sound of it then just get in your van and drive off!

This has happened at work today....

About 3 weeks ago our local on duty Plod rang us up to say that a piece of signage had fallen of our old premises and 'nearly hit an old lady' and that we best go and sort it out as it was laying on the floor. My Gen Manager enquired as to whether the lady was fine and he said she was and had carried on her way.

This morning in the post we have a letter from a No Win No Fee ambulance chaser with a claim that HE was making against us. He claimes he was hit by the sign, that it broadsided him, causing him to be knocked over, grazing his ankle. He is still apparently suffereing from whiplash, back injury and constant headaches!

Abosolute BULLSHIT - his telephone call categorically stated that it nearly hit an elderly lady. If it hit him and caused him such injury that he was still suffering from it now, surely he would have been on scene waiting for us???

I think this is a case of ' I am a copper so they won't argue and the courts will take my side'

We were all flabbergasted at work when reading the letter!
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

Another satisfied customer eh?

Yeah , the Police hardly endear themselves to the public at times , and sometimes it's a real bind to get them involved ... because you just know nothing's gonna come of it.

My sisters house was burgled in Hale Barns a few months back , and she didn't even bother calling them out such was their total ignorance in their response to a brand new car she'd had stolen three months earlier!

But if i were you i'd steer well clear of this group of 'fueled up' yobs who are hanging around , and consider findin' some other place to walk the dogs ... it's not the ideal thing i know , as the woods/orchard are obviously very handy for you ....... but these yobs clearly aren't afraid of confrontation and obviously lack respect .... it can only lead to trouble , and you just don't know don't know what they're on , whether they are carryin' weapons , or who else they can 'call on' as reinforcements .

Plus they could target your house should they find out where you live , and you don't want that ...... it's just not worth taking them on nowadays , as sadly a few people have already found out to their cost.

You should also realise that very few of these yobs respect the police anyway , and , even if they did take your request seriously , the Police can't be there all of the time.
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

That`s a sh1t attitude by the cop tbh mate, and what those sh1tbags did to your Mrs and the dogs was totally out of order, we used to knock about like that but at least we tried to be respectful and not be a nuisance, I`m sure a few handy lads going down and giving them a proper taste would smarten them up no end.
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

If you are out in the sticks they must be bumpkins. If you have any younger relatives from the Manchester area just send them up one evening to have a word. They will soon shit it.
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

Cake said:
This happened......

First off - a bit of background...... we live on a new estate a little bit out in the sticks and there is a group of lads about 16 ish who generally make a nuisance of themselves in the park areas or in the orchard behind our house getting pissed and smoking a bit of weed, now its not this that I have a problem with as I used to do it when I was younger - well not the weed smoking. What I do have a problem with is the state they leave the place in, smashing fuck out of the summer houses that have been built for public use, smashed glass bottles everywhere, beer cans, takeaway containers, the plastic that holds your 6-pack together, remnants of a bonfire, let off fire extinguishers, stolen nail guns from the builders compound and lots of other stuff littering the place and making it somewhere you can't walk yourself, your kids or dogs.

So last Saturday afternoon my Mrs was walking our dogs in the woods/orchard behind our house, this group of little shithouses were in their usual corner and one of our dogs went over to see what they were up to and was promptly punched in the head and had two bottles thrown at him, my Mrs was about 20 feet away, told them to leave him alone and clipped him back on his lead and walked away. The lads then followed her through the woods and into a field for about 200-300 yards throwing sticks and stones near/at her trying to intimidate her and wind the dogs up, one of them even dared his mate to 'kick the puppy like a football'.

We rang the police at 16.30 ish on Saturday, as soon as she got home....bless them they sent out a PSCO at approx 20.00 on the Monday evening - over 48 hours later!! Oddly enough she couldn't do anything so told us to ring back if they are there again up generally up to no good.

Shock horror yesterday late afternoon they were in same spot doing the same as usual, she had dogs on the lead as she spotted them and turned to walk the other way only to have a load of abuse hurled at her from pissed and stoned little cnuts. The police were rang again and turned up about 40 mins later and his attitude was appalling.

In his words......
'What makes you think they were drinking and smoking illegal substances'
Well, they were drinking from Stella bottles and it stunk of weed in the area'
'How do you know what that smells like'
Because we do
'Ah, well I shouldn't really say this but if its just a bit of alcohol we are not that bothered'
Well its not just a bit of alcohol, its the shithole state they are turning the place into and the fact one of them twatted my dog and they all threw things at and intimidated my Mrs
'Mmm, well we don't really have many calls from round here'
Oh, I know of 3 people who have reported stuff in the last 2 weeks including the building company coz these kids keep nicking their stuff.
'Oh right, I'm not a local officer. Anyway I had a walk round there and couldn't see anything'
You must not have been in the right place as you cannot miss the place they loiter, do you want me to show you?
'No thanks, I'll have another look myself'

Cue copper walking to his van and driving off. What a complete waste of space and money, a truly useless **** who clearly couldn't give a fuck. If my dog had bitten the little shite who punched him I am sure he would have been a whole lot keener to do something. I thought that 'Anti Social Behaviour' was something they wanted to clamp down on! Used to stick up for them a bit saying must be a tough job - clearly it isn't, if you don't like sound of it then just get in your van and drive off!

Next time ring 999 and make the point that your missus felt under threat of rape/and or assault and that you pets were attracked and your wife was followed.

Dont piss about with the police, the only way they take things seriously is when their stats are affected.

Ring, report and ask for a the call/crime reference every time and keep a record of the times you called and the response you received.

I have seen with my own eyes the difference in the police response once they realise they are going to get put in the spotlight.

And get your local community liaison officers number and chew the arse off him about it.
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

fbloke said:
Cake said:
This happened......

First off - a bit of background...... we live on a new estate a little bit out in the sticks and there is a group of lads about 16 ish who generally make a nuisance of themselves in the park areas or in the orchard behind our house getting pissed and smoking a bit of weed, now its not this that I have a problem with as I used to do it when I was younger - well not the weed smoking. What I do have a problem with is the state they leave the place in, smashing fuck out of the summer houses that have been built for public use, smashed glass bottles everywhere, beer cans, takeaway containers, the plastic that holds your 6-pack together, remnants of a bonfire, let off fire extinguishers, stolen nail guns from the builders compound and lots of other stuff littering the place and making it somewhere you can't walk yourself, your kids or dogs.

So last Saturday afternoon my Mrs was walking our dogs in the woods/orchard behind our house, this group of little shithouses were in their usual corner and one of our dogs went over to see what they were up to and was promptly punched in the head and had two bottles thrown at him, my Mrs was about 20 feet away, told them to leave him alone and clipped him back on his lead and walked away. The lads then followed her through the woods and into a field for about 200-300 yards throwing sticks and stones near/at her trying to intimidate her and wind the dogs up, one of them even dared his mate to 'kick the puppy like a football'.

We rang the police at 16.30 ish on Saturday, as soon as she got home....bless them they sent out a PSCO at approx 20.00 on the Monday evening - over 48 hours later!! Oddly enough she couldn't do anything so told us to ring back if they are there again up generally up to no good.

Shock horror yesterday late afternoon they were in same spot doing the same as usual, she had dogs on the lead as she spotted them and turned to walk the other way only to have a load of abuse hurled at her from pissed and stoned little cnuts. The police were rang again and turned up about 40 mins later and his attitude was appalling.

In his words......
'What makes you think they were drinking and smoking illegal substances'
Well, they were drinking from Stella bottles and it stunk of weed in the area'
'How do you know what that smells like'
Because we do
'Ah, well I shouldn't really say this but if its just a bit of alcohol we are not that bothered'
Well its not just a bit of alcohol, its the shithole state they are turning the place into and the fact one of them twatted my dog and they all threw things at and intimidated my Mrs
'Mmm, well we don't really have many calls from round here'
Oh, I know of 3 people who have reported stuff in the last 2 weeks including the building company coz these kids keep nicking their stuff.
'Oh right, I'm not a local officer. Anyway I had a walk round there and couldn't see anything'
You must not have been in the right place as you cannot miss the place they loiter, do you want me to show you?
'No thanks, I'll have another look myself'

Cue copper walking to his van and driving off. What a complete waste of space and money, a truly useless **** who clearly couldn't give a fuck. If my dog had bitten the little shite who punched him I am sure he would have been a whole lot keener to do something. I thought that 'Anti Social Behaviour' was something they wanted to clamp down on! Used to stick up for them a bit saying must be a tough job - clearly it isn't, if you don't like sound of it then just get in your van and drive off!

Next time ring 999 and make the point that your missus felt under threat of rape/and or assault and that you pets were attracked and your wife was followed.

Dont piss about with the police, the only way they take things seriously is when their stats are affected.

Ring, report and ask for a the call/crime reference every time and keep a record of the times you called and the response you received.

I have seen with my own eyes the difference in the police response once they realise they are going to get put in the spotlight.

And get your local community liaison officers number and chew the arse off him about it.
I'd agree with fbloke here. I've phond the police using the 0161 number plenty of times for various things and to no avail. Yet when my dad phoned 999 to report something a few moons ago they turned up within an hour or two as they 'had to respond to 999 calls' even though my old man had called back near enough straight after the phone call to say he didn't want the police turning up as we'd managed to sort out the problem oursleves.
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

Seriously, why don't you just 'bally up' and bat a few of the cunts? My brother had the same problem, a few years ago when he lived in wakefield due to work. I filled a washing up liquid bottle with barbecue lighting fluid, squirted on a few of the little cunts and asked the tallest one (he was at least 6 inches taller than me) if he wanted a 'light'.

The colour drained from his face, when i took his wallet from his pocket and got my mate to take a pic of his provisional licence on his iphone. On returning his wallet, i reminded him i now knew where he lived and that if any of them caused my brother grief again, regardless of who it was, i was putting HIM in the back of a van. Not only did the shit stop, but my brother ended up with his own security, as the lad made sure no one else fucked about.

I'm sorry for your predicament. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is fight fire with fire.
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

black mamba said:
Another satisfied customer eh?

Yeah , the Police hardly endear themselves to the public at times , and sometimes it's a real bind to get them involved ... because you just know nothing's gonna come of it.

My sisters house was burgled in Hale Barns a few months back , and she didn't even bother calling them out such was their total ignorance in their response to a brand new car she'd had stolen three months earlier!

But if i were you i'd steer well clear of this group of 'fueled up' yobs who are hanging around , and consider findin' some other place to walk the dogs ... it's not the ideal thing i know , as the woods are obviously handy for you ....... but these yobs clearly aren't afraid of confrontation and obviously lack respect .... it can only lead to trouble , and you just don't know don't know whether they are carryin' weapons , or who else they can 'call on' as reinforcements .

Plus they could target your house should they find out where you live , and you don't want that ...... it's just not worth taking them on nowadays , as sadly a few people have already found out to their cost.

I walk them round woods early doors in morning now and she goes round the park in the evening where there are other folks about.

It's so fucking annoying as its a nice place to live, few miles from local town in sleepy part of Lincolnshire. I blame the parents for the kids behaviour, its the ones form the bigger, posher houses who don't give a fuck where their 'little darlings' are on a Friday/Saturday night as long as they are not bothering them and their dinner parties.

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