Never had a problem with the Police untill..KINDA RELATED UP

Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

i had a similar thing round here.
the council revamped the kids park at the bottom of our estate and while they were doing it i contacted the council saying is it going to be policed by rangers or community officers and they couldnt answer me and told me to contact the local police , which i did 4 (four) times explaining if the park isnt policed or checked in anyway it would be wrecked in the 1st week of opening. i got no reply from any of my emails or phone calls and the park has been open for 3 weeks now and its fucked. swing stolen , roundabout bent and dosent work , zip wire seat stolen , dog shit all over , allsault course things melted.
its a fucking disgrace, the parenting , council and police force are a fucking disgrace,
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

people who join the po po are social zero's and as such see it as a massive power trip in their sad little lives. Take matters into your own hands. If someone had punched my pet in the head and abused my wife I'd be looking at a ten stretch right now. You have shown restraint, but the time for talking has stopped now.
We now have another issue............

About 3 weeks ago our local on duty Plod rang us up to say that a piece of signage had fallen of our old premises and 'nearly hit an old lady' and that we best go and sort it out as it was laying on the floor. My Gen Manager enquired as to whether the lady was fine and he said she was and had carried on her way.

This morning in the post we have a letter from a No Win No Fee ambulance chaser with a claim that HE was making against us. He claimes he was hit by the sign, that it broadsided him, causing him to be knocked over, grazing his ankle. He is still apparently suffereing from whiplash, back injury and constant headaches!

Abosolute BULLSHIT - his telephone call categorically stated that it nearly hit an elderly lady. If it hit him and caused him such injury that he was still suffering from it now, surely he would have been on scene waiting for us???

I think this is a case of ' I am a copper so they won't argue and the courts will take my side'

We were all flabbergasted at work when reading the letter!
Re: Never really used to have a problem with the Police untill..

Joycee Banercheck said:
Vigilante groups are the way forward in these times of apathetic policing.

Spot on.

I have a story of a few thugs who one day decided to call my mum a fat slag!

Called the police believing it to be the best thing as they were outside the house shouting the abuse.

Police came, kids fucked off and nothing done whatsoever.

Me and our kid decided to sort it ourselves one very dark night and needless to say, they never came round my mums house again or called her silly names!

Sort the problem yourself is the answer as the police are fucking useless.
Give this bloke a call

Phone up the police and tell them your wife was threatened with a knife/firearm, they'll turn the place upside down and search them head to toe. Anything illegal they do have on them, they'll be done for it.

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