I recall a cup replay at Shrewsbury in 1965. I was allowed to go as a special treat. I boughI a ticket for the football special. had a very bad dose of flu for a couple of days before but just about recovered in time at catch the train. Arriving at the Gay Meadow, someone noticed that the rear gate to the terrace was not locked so the door was slid open and we all poured in without paying.
The match was terrible and Shrewsbury won 3-1. On the return journey, the team were on the special train. I would have expected them to be morose and crestfallen after such an abject performance but far from it. Most appeared to be drinking heavily and smoking whilst some were chasing the girls. Neil Young was forever combing his hair. Someone remarked that not wonder you never head the ball’!
That attitude after being outplayed by a third division side summed up what was wrong with. City in the late Poyser era.