Well-Known Member
Was it a email or in your purchases in the ticket section!
sorry mate i dont know when i asked him he said their ready to print off
Was it a email or in your purchases in the ticket section!
Oh thankssorry mate i dont know when i asked he said there ready to be printed off
Mine still saying paper ticket getting a bit worried now grand kids really looking forward to itJust checked my account Saturday showing as print off Sunday paper ticket will be sent.still no email from city yet
Read my post from yesterday mate city know they sent a duff email and you should be getting one today with print at home option.Mine still saying paper ticket getting a bit worried now grand kids really looking forward to it
Just spoke to them and he said everybody will get a email by the end of the day being done in batches, don't think they have a clue what's happeningSupporter services saying they might send the print at home email today or tomorrow now !! What on earth are they playing at ?
They knew on June 18th they had a problem how hard can it be to send the correct email ??