New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

Given the rules already say associated party deal have to be fair value I suspect this goes over and above that.

There was talk that clubs had to show matching bids, which adds to the workload of the commercial staff having to source and negotiate multiple bids, only one of which would be accepted.

As for the loans, I suspect an outright ban.
Related party exists not associated party surely hence the new rule
Who the fuck decides whats fair value ? Thats the problem
I can see it now...

PL: "We're sorry Company X with your £70m per year turnover. You can't sponsor City for £150m per season over 5 seasons."

Company X: Why not? It's our money & we want the global exposure City can afford us.

PL: Because the Red Top Mafia & Spuds say it's not fair on them, as they can't get this level of sponsorship to compete. So unless City can show two other companies willing to pay within 10% of your sponsorship offer too, your deal is kiboshed.

Company X: Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit!

City: Company Y & Company Z from the Middle East offered £140m & Company X beat their offers.

PL: A hah, BUT we've now got associated party P&S Rules!

City: And?

PL: Well if you've ever met the executives from Company X, or they come from the southern hemisphere like City's owner, we class this as an associated party.

City: Have you forgotten we're the English, European & World Champions, with several businesses wanting to benefit from out success? We'll see you in court you fuckin planks!

man-city-lawyers (2).gif

IREF will be watching this blatant attempt at stymiying competition & protecting the Cartel club's with keen interest. If this associated party bollocks was rolled out across the UK & globally, the global business trade would be fucked! Why do football see themselves as a special case?

As an aside, before our sponsorship hook up, I'd never heard of Nexen Tire, but only last week I was being given budget, midrange & premium replacement tyre options & I zoned in on Nexen purely because of their association with City.

Their tyres are midway budget, so I didn't go beyond researching them, but if price was the only issue, you're damned right I'd have opted for their brand. If for nothing else, Nexen Tire's success financially helps City.
I don’t know if it’s fact or just rumour but the clubs who abstained are Crystal Palace and Aston Villa‍.

seems to be confirmed in the Athletic. Behind a paywall I don’t have a sub.

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I can see it now...

PL: "We're sorry Company X with your £70m per year turnover. You can't sponsor City for £150m per season over 5 seasons."

Company X: Why not? It's our money & we want the global exposure City can afford us.

PL: Because the Red Top Mafia & Spuds say it's not fair on them, as they can't get this level of sponsorship to compete. So unless City can show two other companies willing to pay within 10% of your sponsorship offer too, your deal is kiboshed.

Company X: Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit!

City: Company Y & Company Z from the Middle East offered £140m & Company X beat their offers.

PL: A hah, BUT we've now got associated party P&S Rules!

City: And?

PL: Well if you've ever met the executives from Company X, or they come from the southern hemisphere like City's owner, we class this as an associated party.

City: Have you forgotten we're the English, European & World Champions, with several businesses wanting to benefit from out success? We'll see you in court you fuckin planks!

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IREF will be watching this blatant attempt at stymiying competition & protecting the Cartel club's with keen interest. If this associated party bollocks was rolled out across the UK & globally, the global business trade would be fucked! Why do football see themselves as a special case?

As an aside, before our sponsorship hook up, I'd never heard of Nexen Tire, but only last week I was being given budget, midrange & premium replacement tyre options & I zoned in on Nexen purely because of their association with City.

Their tyres are midway budget, so I didn't go beyond researching them, but if price was the only issue, you're damned right I'd have opted for their brand. If for nothing else, Nexen Tire's success financially helps City.
Always tickles me that spurs are involved in all this, cracking are a big club with their one league cup in 15 years
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