New Umbro posters: Drill, Home, Away, Third

Really like the idea of these posters, its predictable some rag **** will tear them down though...put them on billboards all across Manchester.
Imho, It's a load of my arse.

I find it a load of arty farty nonsense, and I'm sure most people would walk passed it and never look twice.

While these so called experts in marketing are sat round a desk, "brainstorming" and trying to think "outside of the box" they're completely missing the point. (again in my opinion)

They can stick their clever subliminal messages, if they've got something to say then say it. If they've got something to show us, then show it.

Make us think of City by all means, but do it in a way that tells the tale of who we are, and not with pathetic little pictures on a derelict shop.
I think thats class, it appeals to thier key demographic; even if its not straight away.

Its not a major campaign to get everyone over the country supporting City. Its heightening the buzz for the ones who already know whats going on. I guess the style is to make City fans feel unique and a bit special.
boris karloff said:
Imho, It's a load of my arse.

I find it a load of arty farty nonsense, and I'm sure most people would walk passed it and never look twice.

While these so called experts in marketing are sat round a desk, "brainstorming" and trying to think "outside of the box" they're completely missing the point. (again in my opinion)

They can stick their clever subliminal messages, if they've got something to say then say it. If they've got something to show us, then show it.

Make us think of City by all means, but do it in a way that tells the tale of who we are, and not with pathetic little pictures on a derelict shop.

Actually, I kinda dig it. I know that I'm supposed to think it's slick, which would normally mean that I'd think it's shit, but for some reason it works on me. If I wasn't shit broke I'd really be looking forward to ordering both a home and third shirt.
Ghost in my house said:
Brilliant marketing.......however, it's wasted on most.

I was going to ask 'can it be wasted on most and be brilliant marketing?' but I definitely think it can.

For those who know about the kit already it adds excitement. Its like a secret wink, a code that only cool City fans understand. So in that sense it is wasted on most, but deliberately so, which i like.

But will Umbro and therefore City miss out on not getting the message out to your average man in the street who won't have a clue what that is, but who might buy a shirt if they saw a nice picture of some very nice kits?

I love the posters, they alone have already exceeded what i thought umbro would do for City. I'd much rather have a subtle campaign like this that makes me more excited about a kit than I've been since i was 12 than a pic of Robinho wearing the kit with a slogan basically saying 'buy me you megastore plastic whore'.

Its classy. Good work City/Umbro.
me and gazting went along to eastlands before and putting big umbro posters up where the picture of petrov and micah used to be. just thought i would mention
First thing I thought was Embassy No.1 and JPS in a shop-window somewhere less than salubrious.
boris karloff said:
Imho, It's a load of my arse.

I find it a load of arty farty nonsense, and I'm sure most people would walk passed it and never look twice.

It creates curiosity for the general public. I understand your point about how it's not straight to the point, but if it was... i think we'd see more torn down. Lucky the united fans arent that smart to figure out they are city related hah!

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