Well-Known Member
I think it's not so much the banning of stuff. If you go on Stormfront, you know what you're going to get. The issue is with websites that supposedly host all views, but only ever show people things they already agree with because of the "Recommended for you" algorithms. Obviously all they're interested in maximizing the amount of time you spend on their website, so they just show you things they think you'll like. Which when you're listening to music or watching comedy videos is perfectly sensible. But when it's political views, it can easily send you down a rabbit hole of only ever hearing things you already agree with, and not only that, but more extreme versions of it to boot. Go and watch a few videos that you disagree with on Youtube and see what it does to your recommended videos feed. And because this is how everyone finds their content, most comments sections are also full of people agreeing with each other and shouting down the one person who challenges the prevailing views with insults.
Yes but people know that happens. Those that choose these sites will always choose them because that’s who they are. If people are advocating violence that’s a different story, but if you are just a right wing white supremist spouting you are better because of your skin tone? That shouldn’t be banned, laughed at, but not banned.
Most of these cunts who post stuff are clearly and demonstrably overwhelmingly under educated fucktards. The twats who can’t get the spelling right when demanding people use English. These people do more harm to their cause by being the dregs of the dregs and only other similarly impaired helmets can’t see that.
Advocating violence, charge them, being morons? That’s not a crime.