Newcastle Thread - 2022/23

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Ah! You're making the same mistake the racists make, though not for the same reason I hasten to add.

Your owners are Saudis, ours are Emiratis, why would they have common purpose? Ah! Well they're both Arabs and Arabs are etc, etc....

Think on this, the Glazers are Jewish, so is Daniel Levy, they were both driving forces for the European Super League, but no one is suggesting their Jewishness has anything to do with that, or heaven forfend the fact that they both, in their different ways, gouge their respective clubs. Their Jewishness is immaterial and anyone suggesting otherwise would be heavily condemned.

But when it comes to Arab owners all sorts of commonalities are inferred, usually hidden behind the fig leaf of state owned, oil clubs etc, but it's all just a cover, they're talking about Arabs and we all know what Arabs are.
Would you consider UAE a similar term to the UK even though the countries in the UK are separate entities
That's how Daniel Levy spends a lot of his time. He is fixated on briefing the media about other clubs. That's why Pep gave him a name check. Don't forget Levy is the man who told the press he "wouldn't pick up the phone to Manchester City." More recently Spurs have been briefing that they wouldn't "do with business with Manchester clubs again." Just pathetic deflection tactics but these days Spurs fans seem to have wised up about the sort of people who are running their club.
Spurs happy with their status as a sort of shit perennial runner up to the sky 4 with a cup win every decade or two. Levy should just fuck the football off and do NFL and pop concerts.
The comments I made had nothing to do with both clubs being Arab owned. It was about both clubs being held back by other clubs who think they have the god given right to have everything their own way, so they try to stifle competition. All they’re interested in is maintaining the status quo for their own benefit.

Our club is owned by a consortium of three companies who have people at their head who are, Arab (Yasir Al-Rumayyan), Jewish (Jamie Rueben), Christian (Amanda Staveley) and Iranian (Mehrdad Ghodoussi) and that's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

I don’t look at people in any way other than the type of people they are, whether they are good or bad people or are good or bad at their jobs as in this case it effects the club. Anything else about them doesn't matter.

I meant no offence, but it's immaterial. It's not how you see your club that matters but how others see it, or to be more precise how others frame the narrative around your club, that's what'll impact Newcastle.

As far as your enemies are concerned you're an Arab, state owned, sports washing oil club, who'll hoover up inflated sponsorship deals from Saudi companies, owned by your owners second cousin, and you'll hide as much as you can off the books.
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Well said. There is just a lot of ignorance out there. In the real world the Saudis are one of our biggest trading patners. They invest billiions in the UK creating thousands of jobs. They are one of our strongest allies in the Gulf region especially in sharing intelligence. It would be absurd to turn down external investment from any country (or individual) at this difficult time. We would have no trading partners left (including China and the USA) if we turned away investment because of human rights issues. You can debate the morals of this position but this is the reality for every country in the world.

I try to keep away from human rights issues as they're a minefield and the UK and USA are not as clean as some people think or claim.
If you took offence then so be it, but it's immaterial. It's not how you see your club that matters but how others see you, or to be more precise how others frame the narrative around your club, that's what'll impact Newcastle.

As far as your enemies are concerned you're an Arab, state owned, sports washing oil club, who'll hoover up inflated sponsorship deals from Saudi companies, owned by your owners second cousin, and you'll hide as much as you can off the books.

I didn't take offence at anything, I just made my position clear.

Also, people can frame the club any way they wish as it will have no impact on me because I simply don’t care and never will. It would be like water off a ducks back if PIF were forced to sell us tomorrow, I wouldn't care. Who bought their shares would be of concern as another Mike Ashley would impact the club negatively, other than that, that's life.
I've never really thought about it, I've been to the UAE a few times but never really sliced and diced the country in that way.

As far as our detractors are concerned it's only the A in UAE that matters.

The 'A' wouldn't come into it if your owners had bought Man U, Arsenal, Spurs, Chelsea or Liverpool.
I took my girlfriends dog for a walk the other day, it had a crap but had a piece of poo dangling out of its arse, no idea why but it popped into my head that if the dog was the old ‘Sky Four’, then that dangling turd would be Spurs.

Funny how the mind works sometimes.
I'm an expert on dangling dog shits, the dog would have been eating grass in the 48 hours prior, and the dangler would be attached to a piece of the grass, that was half in, and half out of it's shitter.
I didn't take offence at anything, I just made my position clear.

Also, people can frame the club any way they wish as it will have no impact on me because I simply don’t care and never will. It would be like water off a ducks back if PIF were forced to sell us tomorrow, I wouldn't care. Who bought their shares would be of concern as another Mike Ashley would impact the club negatively, other than that, that's life.

I find this post strange.

All the anti Arab, state owned, sports washing nonsense is not a means to an end, it's a means to various ends, it unites TalkSport, the Guardian, the cosy cartel and Amnesty International, yes, but they all have very different goals.

The real issue here is the business model, Newcastle are looking to profit, yes, but in the long term.

Your owners are more interested in asset growth and to grow the asset the club needs long term sustained investment, with that comes trophies and success and with that comes increased profit.

But that will come at the expense of one of the cartel and is the polar opposite of the Glazer cash cow model.

You shouldn't be so blasé about your owners, they're not just an upgrade from Ashley, they're a horse of a very different colour, they're going to take you on a ride that your run of the mill American owner never would.
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