You seem to have formed the view that my comments were aimed entirely or primarily in your direction. They were not. My belief is based on many years of observing people of that political outlook, so I'm sorry to disappoint you that you're not the basis for my conclusion.
As to being a 'fence sitter' that's a lazy way to describe my political outlook. I have centrist views because of the way I believe the world operates and how I think fairness can be best delivered within the limits reality imposes upon economic and political decision making. I have, in fact, very robust, well formed views on a number of subjects and am certainly prepared to ventilate them as required. I don't think anyone could accuse me of not being opinionated, or not being vocal in airing those opinions either. Quite the opposite. I'm a hugely loud, self-confident and opinionated person. Fucking fence sitter! Hilarious.
Useful idiot did make me smile, though :-)