Next Rail Strikes Announced.

For the Madrid semi I flew to Barca and got the train the Madrid and it made me realise how far behind our rail system is in the Uk - quick, on time, luxurious and probably a 10th of the cost of what I pay regularly to go from Manchester to London (several time ls a month on business)

The other aspect is i no longer travel on the trains - they are far too unpredictable so I am now in my car and not likely to return any time soon - they can strike all they want but soon they won’t have any jobs as there will be no longer many more passengers
I got a reasonable priced ticket to Norwich from Manchester last week. Then paid more to travel from Norwich to Stansted than my flight to Holland cost. All advance tickets on the trains with a further discount. I just booked a advance ticket from dusseldorf to Munich for €30 . That's a five hour journey on a ice train and it was only €10 more for first class . Imagine the cost of that journey in the UK.
Anyone have any idea of what kind of service to expect on the day of the Sheffield United away game, given that there is a strike the day before? Was speaking to someone on Friday at Burnley and he reckons we’ll be looking at about 50% of scheduled trains running on the Sunday which should be enough to get there and back with few issues.
The bonus if you get stuck at Sheffield train station is the boozer inside there. Top pub
I got a reasonable priced ticket to Norwich from Manchester last week. Then paid more to travel from Norwich to Stansted than my flight to Holland cost. All advance tickets on the trains with a further discount. I just booked a advance ticket from dusseldorf to Munich for €30 . That's a five hour journey on a ice train and it was only €10 more for first class . Imagine the cost of that journey in the UK.

Probably because the German nationalised railway is subsidised by the profits they take out of the UK privatised railway that they heavily invest in.
And people are dying every day in Ukraine, but that’s got no relevance to a couple of guys hoping to make a City match either
People are dying every day all over the world, not just Ukraine so unless you aren't aware of this your statement just looks like you're using these deaths to make a point.
Fairly certain these strikes and lack of services will result in devolution of regional services to smaller-lesser known privatised services. This government loves the pennies. If national and regional doesn't work, then sell each branch line...
Anyone have any idea of what kind of service to expect on the day of the Sheffield United away game, given that there is a strike the day before? Was speaking to someone on Friday at Burnley and he reckons we’ll be looking at about 50% of scheduled trains running on the Sunday which should be enough to get there and back with few issues.
I went to Sheffield earlier this year, on the day after a strike.Trains there and back were actually on time, and I'd booked in afvance and had a reserved seat in coach E on outward journey. Only problem was train arrived at Picc ,there were only three carriages (A-C) !!! a bit of a free for all and ended up standing all the way there on an overcrowded carriage for 55 minutes.

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