Next Rail Strikes Announced.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re going on strike for more money because they know how valuable they are. As an above poster says, new technology means they can be less choosy. If we didn’t have Brexit in place then half of Eastern Europe would gladly do it.
I'm on strike because I have not had a pay increase for five years.
If you are a train driver you will know there are many many applicants for each vacancy reflecting the high rate of pay and good working conditions. Yes, I am and there are many applicants; a high percentage of whom do not get through the first stage.
The qualifications needed for the job are not particularly difficult. Agreed, but a lot still fail.

A few O levels at basic pass grades and compared with other jobs on that level of money, a very short period of training, most of it on the job. Most applicants with O levels are now a bit too old to apply, but I get your point. Training is at least three months of classroom then a minimum 225 hours in cab practical handling, if they passed their classroom/theory tests.
You only need to sit behind the cab of a Blackpool tram to see how easy the job is to master. I have never driven a Blackpool tram but an professional driver can make a job look easy. I drive Mainline Trains at speeds up to125 mph. And I make it look easy too.
If we can automate car driving, trains will not be far behind. I don't see many driver-less cars driving about.

Then any numpty can sit in a cab and press an override button for about a 1/4 of the money should things go wrong. If you are happy with poorly-paid numpties being responsible for when the automated systems fail, god help you.
225 hours on the job training sat on a seat driving, is jack shit in terms of the reward for doing it.
My on the job training was a minimum of 450 days on a crap salary, to qualify in my job.
On the Today Programme this morning James May looked at AI in terms of transport. Shuttle services between Airport terminals will be the first to be driver less.
It will be a priority of any Government to use AI in the rail industry.
You may not like it but you will end up going the same way as the Miners, Red Robbo in the car industry and Containerisation at the Ports. Yes you may have the sympathy from the left on here but the general public , what you have put them through I am afraid it will be good riddance.
Your job title will disappear with AI and it will be down to a data analyst in the cab paid above minimum wage to press the safety button , just in case.
Oh and on the subject of safety, I am sure the signal men used the same argument when signals were automated.
You only need to look at the number of derelict signal boxes on the system to prove safety issues were unfounded.
If you are a train driver you will know there are many many applicants for each vacancy reflecting the high rate of pay and good working conditions.
The qualifications needed for the job are not particularly difficult.
A few O levels at basic pass grades and compared with other jobs on that level of money, a very short period of training, most of it on the job.
You only need to sit behind the cab of a Blackpool tram to see how easy the job is to master.
If we can automate car driving, trains will not be far behind.
Then any numpty can sit in a cab and press an override button for about a 1/4 of the money should things go wrong.
There is a hard test to pass before you even start to learn how to become a train driver.
225 hours on the job training sat on a seat driving, is jack shit in terms of the reward for doing it.
My on the job training was a minimum of 450 days on a crap salary, to qualify in my job.
On the Today Programme this morning James May looked at AI in terms of transport. Shuttle services between Airport terminals will be the first to be driver less.
It will be a priority of any Government to use AI in the rail industry.
You may not like it but you will end up going the same way as the Miners, Red Robbo in the car industry and Containerisation at the Ports. Yes you may have the sympathy from the left on here but the general public , what you have put them through I am afraid it will be good riddance.
Your job title will disappear with AI and it will be down to a data analyst in the cab paid above minimum wage to press the safety button , just in case.
Oh and on the subject of safety, I am sure the signal men used the same argument when signals were automated.
You only need to look at the number of derelict signal boxes on the system to prove safety issues were unfounded.

Some airport shuttle trains have been driverless for years. They’re closer to your model railway than the national rail network.

Even if a government decided today that money was unlimited and they were updating the whole structure to accommodate driverless trains, it would be many decades before they’d even be close to ready.

Your mention of how signalling has developed is actually a good example of how quickly things change in the rail industry.

I don’t have exact timeframes but it must be getting on for half a century since power boxes first started replacing traditional signal boxes. Yet still, to this day, we have sections of our railway operating under semaphore signalling with blokes literally pulling handles on a piece of wire to change the signals.
So why doesn't everyone become a train driver as the pay is exorbitant and it's so f*king easy to do? Serious question.

I worked for the railway for 31 years starting in 1990, doing a variety of roles. I went for the assessment for driving in the mid 90s, and got full marks on all the elements, apart from the reaction test.
Shows that not everyone is cut out to do the role. Although I consider myself to be relatively intelligent and "trainable" , my brain doesn't react quickly enough to react to rapid changes to sounds and light. Explains why I've always been rubbish at team sport and computer games also!
Some proper cunts on this thread. Halfmist manages to show himself up on pretty much every subject he posts in. It’s quite the gift.
Ha ha. You see, you lefties wouldn’t know the voice of reason if you fell over it.
Interesting, did you vote for Brexit?
That’s like asking, are you a cardigan wearing, Jesus sandal, bearded, anti car, left wing looney Mr K. It’s totally irrelevant to the post. Not everyone has swallowed the Doctrine of the revolution of the foot soldiers. The majority of us may have different opinions on different subjects. In fact very occassionally you do go off script and post something sensible, before you fall back in to line.

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