NFL season 2013/2014


Well-Known Member
10 May 2012
Fighting the good fight in the Dzeko Thread!
Didnt see a topic made yet so i decided to make one (since we got tons of NFL fans on this board). Anyways tonight is the season kickoff match. it's Between the lucky defending champions the Baltimore Ratbirds and the Denver Broncos. Its going to be an interesting season regardless. as being a Cinci native im expecting the Bengals to sweep and win the AFC north and hopefully win a playoff game this season im expcting big things from ginger prince Dolton. Anyways My predictions for the Superbowl will prolly be 49ers vrs the Bengals(might be deluded but who gives a fuk).

anyways write your predictions ect.
The Bengals have a chance in a wide open AFC. The Patriots and Broncos are the two favourites but both have pretty big issues to deal with. The Texans will challenge too but apart from that this is a year you could make a case for a team like the Bengals to get to the SB. Unfortunately for them the NFC is much stronger and the 49ers, Seahawks, Packers and Falcons have to be the favourites.

Looking forward to it though. San Diego are not going to be as bad as people are making out.

My prediction is fore the Raiders to go 0-16. They are in an absolute mess.
AntiUnited said:
alib said:
Redskins to win it all (if RGII stays healthy)

;s Good offense led by your dynamic running back that carried the team more then rg3. Defense is still leaky though.

D will be better this year now Orakpo is back - will have an awaesome pass rush - weak point is the inexperienced secondary but if the draft choices work out even that could be good?
After really enjoying the superbowl final last year I decided to pick a team to follow. I'm on the San Diego chargers, how are they looking as the season approaches?
Giants fan myself, can see a long season ahead this year, unless our D have all learned how to play he game in the off-season.

Play-offs are very unlikely unless the Redskins and Eagles implode somehow, and Eli and Cruuuuuzzzz have a monster season.

Bring on the Cowgirl's on Sunday night.
jay_mcfc said:
The Bengals have a chance in a wide open AFC. The Patriots and Broncos are the two favourites but both have pretty big issues to deal with. The Texans will challenge too but apart from that this is a year you could make a case for a team like the Bengals to get to the SB. Unfortunately for them the NFC is much stronger and the 49ers, Seahawks, Packers and Falcons have to be the favourites.

Looking forward to it though. San Diego are not going to be as bad as people are making out.

My prediction is fore the Raiders to go 0-16. They are in an absolute mess.

Patriots are going to be shit losing wess walker (catastrophic loss especially after the Hernandez thing). Payton manning is too good to hate and his team is stacked. We have a great defense that is one of the best if not the best in the league, and new ammo for Dolton i honestly believe we are the dark horses in the afc.

Just for the lolz
HeyMark said:
After really enjoying the superbowl final last year I decided to pick a team to follow. I'm on the San Diego chargers, how are they looking as the season approaches?

You chose well my friend. Welcome aboard.

They have QB who was once very nearly elite. The AJ Smith decided to take away his weapons and the offensive line went to pieces. The OL should be better this year and a new coach will help. The old coach Norv Turner should never have had the job and then he should have been fired years ago. I has lead to years of mediocrity despite having the best roster in the NFL a few years ago.

This year nothing is expected of them. Their second string players are poor and if a few injuries occur they will be bad. However, they have a few youngsters that are on the cusp of being elite. Donald Butler and Corey Liuget are phenomenal football players and will get the recognition they deserve this year. Then there is possibly the best safety in the NFL in Eric Weddle. With Kendall Reyes and Dwight Freeney in there two you have the possibility of a top 5 defence but if any of them go down at any point it won't be pretty. On offence Rivers has to get back to being his old self and Ryan Matthews will be better running behind DJ Fluker. The big story though will be Vincent Brown, a youngster who missed the whole of last year because of injury. He is awesome and will have a breakout year.

They are getting younger and this is a year of transition but they have some brilliant pieces in place. They could surprise a few people. I forgot to mention that they have another youngster called Ladarius Green who will take over from future HoF Antonio Gates in the next year or two. He too has potential to be elite.

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