Nigel Farage

For the purposes of analysing his character, his politics are irrelevant to me.

He routinely talks over political opponents when they are trying to make a point. That is rude and discourteous. Did you find the way he slouched on the Commons benches to be polite and courteous?

In fact, I’d go as far as saying he’s a seriously shit ChristIan, based on his lack of manners and generally disposition towards others, and if Jesus was alive today he’d think that Rees-Mogg was a ****.

I suppose, in fairness to the point you were making, I’d quite like to go for a pint with him in order to inform him of that finding. I’d even get the first (and only) round in.
Jesus is alive and he thinks Farage is a whitewashed sepulchre.
He's probably as friendly as everyone else you can have a laugh with over a couple of pints, I'll grant you that, but he's nothing special in that regard. There are plenty of people in the world you can have a chat with in convivial surroundings with a log fire crackling in the background while enjoying a pint or two.

I'm sure Jacob Rease-Mogg is a thoroughly delightful chap on a personal level.

That doesn't mean they aren't complete dickheads when it comes to their influence on how the UK is performing post brexit.

Attila the Hun probably had a few laughs with his mates down the pub.
Attila was known to be a pretty nasty drunk unless he was on the gin at which point he was very sullen.

The BBC documentary on Putin v The West, where it focused at the start on cause and effect - certainly raises some thought provoking questions around EU actions. Not in the sense that they caused this but rather how they could have trod differently.

I’m conflicted on this. I can see history judging the EUs initial involvement in Ukraine as well intended but clumsy, it certainly helped to inflame the worsening situation on the streets that ultimately killed over 5000 protesters - but also equally doused those flames in persuading Yanukovych to step aside which prevented that death toll being considerably higher.
The BBC documentary on Putin v The West, where it focused at the start on cause and effect - certainly raises some thought provoking questions around EU actions. Not in the sense that they caused this but rather how they could have trod differently.

I’m conflicted on this. I can see history judging the EUs initial involvement in Ukraine as well intended but clumsy, it certainly helped to inflame the worsening situation on the streets that ultimately killed over 5000 protesters - but also equally doused those flames in persuading Yanukovych to step aside which prevented that death toll being considerably higher.

Gonna go out on a limb here and say the whole of the responsibility is in the hands of a certain Mr V Putin and the likes of Farage and Trump are so taters deep in his thrall they seek to deflect from that point - if you accept that the EU ( and others ) have some blame in what is happening in Ukraine today then please explain why Britain and Chamberlain have no responsibility or blame for the ca5rnage and deaths of WW2 because the pursued a policy of appeasement with Hitler and got a scrap of paper that fixed it all............
Gonna go out on a limb here and say the whole of the responsibility is in the hands of a certain Mr V Putin and the likes of Farage and Trump are so taters deep in his thrall they seek to deflect from that point - if you accept that the EU ( and others ) have some blame in what is happening in Ukraine today then please explain why Britain and Chamberlain have no responsibility or blame for the ca5rnage and deaths of WW2 because the pursued a policy of appeasement with Hitler and got a scrap of paper that fixed it all............

Strange equivalence - I’ve never said they don’t. They do, and Baldwin before him. Rhineland was on his watch.

Of course Putin is responsible for rolling his tanks over the border whilst labouring under the notion that his army would brush Ukraine aside. He wasn’t taking some moral stand here despite his rants, and there is no way he’d have gone in if he thought it wouldn’t be a straight forward walk in the park and over in the week with barely a bullet fired. That is the result of his macho ego and taking faux offence at anything and everything. Nonetheless are you seriously suggesting the EU is entirely faultless in Maidan (and before)? Even with hindsight (which is how history judges us all)?
Strange equivalence - I’ve never said they don’t. They do, and Baldwin before him. Rhineland was on his watch.

Of course Putin is responsible for rolling his tanks over the border whilst labouring under the notion that his army would brush Ukraine aside. He wasn’t taking some moral stand here despite his rants, and there is no way he’d have gone in if he thought it wouldn’t be a straight forward walk in the park and over in the week with barely a bullet fired. That is the result of his macho ego and taking faux offence at anything and everything. Nonetheless are you seriously suggesting the EU is entirely faultless in Maidan (and before)? Even with hindsight (which is how history judges us all)?
Not sure why this is even being debated. Putin is 100% responsible for the invasion and did it because the majority in Ukraine wanted to look west rather than east, and Farage is a traitorous **** who is completely full of shit and more than likely up to his neck in funding from Russia. The EU's actions during Euromaiden were irrelevant to the situation today and are just one of a list of pretend reasons that Putin uses. If it wasn't this, it would be something else.

Did I mention that Farage is a traitorous ****? Can't be said too much.
Not sure why this is even being debated. Putin is 100% responsible for the invasion and did it because the majority in Ukraine wanted to look west rather than east, and Farage is a traitorous **** who is completely full of shit and more than likely up to his neck in funding from Russia. The EU's actions during Euromaiden were irrelevant to the situation today and are just one of a list of pretend reasons that Putin uses. If it wasn't this, it would be something else.

Did I mention that Farage is a traitorous ****? Can't be said too much.

One word, diplomacy. It’s a diplomats job to be aware and sensitive to how their actions and words will be received - no matter how polar or ridiculous the views of the other side seem.

History is rarely, if ever, created by a single event and I don’t think there was an inevitability about Putin invading either. Although there was, at some point, that infamous “point of no return” for Putin and nothing anyone could do or say would stop him - by the time the west realised this was probably a long time after Putin had decided it has passed. He flexed his muscles back in 2014/15 but ultimately he made a pause of sorts, perhaps he was unsure of himself or maybe he hoped the west would come with gifts and welcome him back into the fold. I doubt we will ever know but I’m sure future historians will offer an opinion or 3…assuming we aren’t wiped out of course ;)

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