Nigel Farage

Possibly if posters discussed points made rather than attacking the poster himself but that’s not what this sub forum is about.
There’s no inbetween I’m afraid. If you go into bat for the likes of Farage then in my book you’re part of the problem. Farage doesn’t deserve respect or defending, he’s a dangerous man who incites the kind of hatred that is eventually going to lead the country down a dark path.
My conscience is clear with regards to how I feel about him and others of a similar vein.
If you have got it in to your head that it’s all about Farage and not about an employee in a Bank deciding who is politically suitable to be a customer then you’ve also not been paying attention.
You can’t have it both ways.

A few pages ago you were holding forth that Coutts was a public company because they are part of the wider Nat West group. By that logic, nobody in the group said he couldn’t be a customer, because he was offered a Nat West account.

So which is it? Were you wrong when you were saying Coutts is a public company because it’s part of the wider group or are you wrong now?
You can’t have it both ways.

A few pages ago you were holding forth that Coutts was a public company because they are part of the wider Nat West group. By that logic, nobody in the group said he couldn’t be a customer, because he was offered a Nat West account.

So which is it? Were you wrong when you were saying Coutts is a public company because it’s part of the wider group or are you wrong now?
I think you’re missing the important point here.
Coutts lied to Farage initially saying it was for wealth reasons they were closing his Account.
It wasn’t.
They, or an individual within the bank, we have yet to find out which, decided he or she didn’t want them to have a Coutts Account for reasons other than financial.
That decision was purely subjective, for which the CEO of the Group has apologised.
Had the decision been made purely for financial reasons, then your point would be valid.
Farage would have had no case to make in those circumstances because they offered him an account for which he qualified.
But as we have now found out and I repeat myself here, the Coutts Account was not closed down for financial reasons.
Possibly if posters discussed points made rather than attacking the poster himself but that’s not what this sub forum is about.
Precisely, one can only conclude that is down to the fact they just repeat the same old thing time after time, so all that’s left for them is to deflect from the subject matter by making it personal.
Then it becomes a feeding frenzy.
There’s no inbetween I’m afraid. If you go into bat for the likes of Farage then in my book you’re part of the problem. Farage doesn’t deserve respect or defending, he’s a dangerous man who incites the kind of hatred that is eventually going to lead the country down a dark path.
My conscience is clear with regards to how I feel about him and others of a similar vein.
I have said it many times, the principle of political freedom of speech is what is at stake, Farage is just a side show but it falls on deaf ears.
Possibly if posters discussed points made rather than attacking the poster himself but that’s not what this sub forum is about.
I suggest you read it back to see who makes the most idiotic irrelevant comments focused on anything but the subject supposedly under discussion.
To be fair neither is constantly going on about him in a "I hate him more than you" competition ;)
I am just flavour of the day.
If you look at any of the political threads they hunt like a pack for anyone who dares not to toe the line.
I get private messages telling me they have given up posting on the politics thread and a couple have even received bans for defending themselves.

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