Nigel Farage

Are you actually disputing the fact that Farage is xenophobic or racist?

He's entitled to sue them for defamation.The problem he has though is that he is xenophobic and racist and he doesn't have a positive reputation.

So such action would fail.
As to who is racist or xenophobic is down to a subjective opinion and that’s the problem.
You just cannot get the principle can you.
It’s not about Farage for the umpteenth time.
The rules need to be tightened up so they stick to facts.
The thought of decisions on what someone can have are left to the likes of you and the Didsbury’s of this world fills me with horror.
Once again you have failed - and by now it is very clear that it is a deliberate failure - to engage with my point. It is equally clear that you do not have an answer to it.

You said that Coutts was a public company because it was part of Nat West group. You also said he had been denied banking services even though he had been offered a Nat West account. By your own argument one of those propositions must be wrong. So I will ask again:

You have plainly contradicted yourself, so which time were you wrong?
To be honest I am not sure what point you are making.
He was denied the opportunity to continue with what he already had and wanted to keep partially based on political reasons.
So what is the relevance of being offered a bog standard current account with Nat West when he may well already have had a similar current account with another bank.
I don’t think anyone has suggested , including me that he was left without any bank
My understanding is there is to be an enquiry in to how far up the command chain within Nat West Group the decision was made.
If Alison Rose CEO of the Group made the ultimate decision there is talk it may cost her her job.
We just need to wait and see what unfolds
If I am mis understanding your post please elaborate, don’t just repeat what you have already said.
Yes, you are almost certainly right. Which brings us back to why they told him to fuck off in the first place. He isn't wealthy enough to be one of their clients.

Should we all complain that Coutts and (NatWest's other private banking brand) Drummonds don't offer their services to the poor?

Surely everyone has a right to private banking and bespoke services, it's much more important than clean air, sewage free rivers or feeding young children.
Again missing the point.
If what you say is valid then Coutts need to carry out a review of every single account holder and quote “fuck everyone off” who doesn’t meet strict financial criteria.
See how good that is for business
The decision would then be based on facts not opinions and nobody would have an issue.
WTF has feeding young children got to do with the post, don’t you care about older children too.
It’s this holier than thou attitude, go and help Rashford if it’s playing on your mind.
I am sure he will happily take you on tour of the food banks in his Rolls Royce.
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Would it not be better to just say oops I made a mistake.
You have proved my theory that your not really reading or comprehending what you are reading on here before you press the like button.
If it helps I've gone to the trouble of highlighting the quote in the letter in the Guardian and changing the punctuation so nobody else should go off on one without comprehending.
Correct. Coutts can turn him down for any number of reasons - I doubt many of us would meet the threshold for an account there, but the reason given to him was untrue, and the real reason is likely slightly dodgy.
Unless Coutts were merely trying to be nice. "We're cancelling your account because you're considerably less rich than we like, and not of course just because you're an odious fascist grifter."
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As to who is racist or xenophobic is down to a subjective opinion and that’s the problem.
You just cannot get the principle can you.
It’s not about Farage for the umpteenth time.
The rules need to be tightened up so they stick to facts.
The thought of decisions on what someone can have are left to the likes of you and the Didsbury’s of this world fills me with horror.
It's a fact that Farage is an odious fascist who (give him credit) is largely responsible for one of the worst decisions this country has ever made. We're all poorer thanks to him, and unless odious fascism is a protected characteristic he's not been discriminated against. Isn't needing oodles of money to get a Coutts account discrimination against the poor?
Well if they have said it’s because your Xenophobic or racist and you have got the document to prove it I am sure the BBC will take your case up.
Well if they have said it’s because your Xenophobic or racist and you have got the document to prove it I am sure the BBC will take your case up.
But they are only saying what every sane person thinks about him so what is the story?

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