Nigel Farage

Nothing says "man of the people'" like whinging on and on about not having a Coutts account.

He is trying convince us that he is not a part of the establishment and just like you and me because he has been chucked out of....err...Coutts Bank...the entry requirements for which is a minimum of a £3 million in the account.

I recently got knocked back on my switch from Barclays to NatWest so how do I get in touch with Beeb and get to be headline news for a few days?
Indeed, but coutts have allowed it to get silly and personal instead of policy based as the decision to tell you or I to bugger off would be. This then plays right into his victimhood/ man of the people thing.
Tbf farage enjoys his role as the pantomime villain - all part of his grift. The quicker you polarise a debate, the quicker any intelligent debate is stifled and he is a master of that.
Without a doubt.
You only need to see the stupid grin he puts on as he is making a point.
He gets far more airtime than he deserves, but one thing you cannot say about him which can be said about most politicians, he answers the question that is asked of him and he is not wooden, boring or dodges questions to court popularity.
But as said before this case is not about him it’s about a principle.
Nothing says "man of the people'" like whinging on and on about not having a Coutts account.

He is trying convince us that he is not a part of the establishment and just like you and me because he has been chucked out of....err...Coutts Bank...the entry requirements for which is a minimum of a £3 million in the account.

I recently got knocked back on my switch from Barclays to NatWest so how do I get in touch with Beeb and get to be headline news for a few days?
Well if they have said it’s because your Xenophobic or racist and you have got the document to prove it I am sure the BBC will take your case up.
Indeed, but coutts have allowed it to get silly and personal instead of policy based as the decision to tell you or I to bugger off would be. This then plays right into his victimhood/ man of the people thing.

Was it really about his views or his reputation and the fear of reputational contagion?

Providers of private client services are entitled to consider the reputation of the people they are doing business with.

Whilst it wouldn't be public knowledge that he banked at coutts I'd imagine they might be embarrassed if much richer and more liberal people met Toady in the corridor and we're affronted at sharing the same bank with a noncey tramp.

That might upset people but that's how private client services work, if you aren't worth the reputational cost because you are too skint then you get told to get lost.

Farage couldn't afford to bank with them anymore and they were entitled to tell him to fuck off.
Well if they have said it’s because your Xenophobic or racist and you have got the document to prove it I am sure the BBC will take your case up.

Are you actually disputing the fact that Farage is xenophobic or racist?

He's entitled to sue them for defamation.The problem he has though is that he is xenophobic and racist and he doesn't have a positive reputation.

So such action would fail.
Was it really about his views or his reputation and the fear of reputational contagion?

Providers of private client services are entitled to consider the reputation of the people they are doing business with.

Whilst it wouldn't be public knowledge that he banked at coutts I'd imagine they might be embarrassed if much richer and more liberal people met Toady in the corridor and we're affronted at sharing the same bank with a noncey tramp.

That might upset people but that's how private client services work, if you aren't worth the reputational cost because you are too skint then you get told to get lost.

Farage couldn't afford to bank with them anymore and they were entitled to tell him to fuck off.
I've no proof obviously, but I suspect if you went through coutts customers there may be quite a few that are unsavoury - the main qualifying requirement being that they are very wealthy.
I will spell it out once more.
Farage’s Account with Coutts was withdrawn, the Bank lied to him as to the reason, the CEO of the Group was unhappy and apologised.
I really cannot see what you issue is

That’s not true though. They only closed the account after he settled his mortgage. There was no criteria at all he fit after that, he didn’t even fit it before it, the whole point of it was to argue to allow for retention while he had the mortgage, not to justify the closure. It’s even titled that!

The CEO apologised for the characterisation of him in the dossier, not the reason for closing the account. Read the apology letter, it very clearly states it’s not policy to close for political reasons and never states closing the account was an error. That’s why he was offered a NatWest account.

Farage even says about the mortgage in his newsnight interview and clearly realises the daftness of his point.
I've no proof obviously, but I suspect if you went through coutts customers there may be quite a few that are unsavoury - the main qualifying requirement being that they are very wealthy.

Yes, you are almost certainly right. Which brings us back to why they told him to fuck off in the first place. He isn't wealthy enough to be one of their clients.

Should we all complain that Coutts and (NatWest's other private banking brand) Drummonds don't offer their services to the poor?

Surely everyone has a right to private banking and bespoke services, it's much more important than clean air, sewage free rivers or feeding young children.
I will spell it out once more. Farage’s Account with Coutts was withdrawn, the Bank lied to him as to the reason, the CEO of the Group was unhappy and apologised. I really cannot see what you issue is

Once again you have failed - and by now it is very clear that it is a deliberate failure - to engage with my point. It is equally clear that you do not have an answer to it.

You said that Coutts was a public company because it was part of Nat West group. You also said he had been denied banking services even though he had been offered a Nat West account. By your own argument one of those propositions must be wrong. So I will ask again:

You have plainly contradicted yourself, so which time were you wrong?
That’s not true though. They only closed the account after he settled his mortgage. There was no criteria at all he fit after that, he didn’t even fit it before it, the whole point of it was to argue to allow for retention while he had the mortgage, not to justify the closure. It’s even titled that!

The CEO apologised for the characterisation of him in the dossier, not the reason for closing the account. Read the apology letter, it very clearly states it’s not policy to close for political reasons and never states closing the account was an error. That’s why he was offered a NatWest account.

Farage even says about the mortgage in his newsnight interview and clearly realises the daftness of his point.
Ok. Let’s say your version of events is true and there were no political considerations it was closed purely for financial reasons
Then surely there is no story, move along, close case.
So why are the Financial Authorities going to tighten up the rules re political considerations that’s going to be announced this week.
Don’t come up with crappy conspiracy theories about Tory interference because it’s Farage because it’s nonsense spouted by some on here.
Give me your own opinion for a change rather than tow the leftie line.
If these decisions are left to someone with views like the lefties on here we are doomed.
Decisions should be made on facts not opinions-and if it’s purely financial,treat everyone the same.
They will be closing a hell of a lot of accounts as wealth is not just about the amount of money in one of their low interest bearing accounts.

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