Nigel Gleghorn

BringBackSwales said:
Another thing I hear numpty nigel say to a caller when I was on the way from the match was "so did Maicon actually play any part in either of the goals" - which was his way of saying Mancini's substitutions did not actually play any part in our win on Sunday - this is utterly juvenile and pathetic, as anyone who was at the match and not bearing a grudge against Mancini would have to admit that bringing Maicon on completely changed the momentum of our performance and the likely outcome of the game.

Most local radio stations would be accused of being biased in favour of their local team's manager, but we get one who is blatantly one-eyedly biased against our manager (yes the one who has won us our first trophies in decades) - and to add insult to injury has got an appalling communication style, mumbles and stumbles through everything he says, and frankly is to free flowing radio punditry what peter fletcher is to sensible community stewarding.

And Dzeko scoring coming off the bench. Naaar that didn't influence anything.<br /><br />-- Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:29 am --<br /><br />
Didsbury Dave said:
Oooohhhhhhhh errrrr missis

Quite happy to dish out the 'dismal' a few posts ago but doesnt like it up him, mister mannering-)

don't worry mate, you're far from the first hypocrite on the web.

What about Ricky Hatton in the studio, Mike Summerbee and Tits Out Jackie doing the commentary and Moonchester hosting the phone in?

You won't get Moonie criticising Bob.

It's Manwairing. Come on Pike get a grip!
Gleghorn is a disgrace.

He got questions and points thrown at him Sunday that he simply couldn't answer to.

A friend who we go to the games with despises him, and after Sunday she eventually snapped. She rang up and complained about him, and a lady at the station took note of what she said and said they will ring her back.

Gleghorn has been bad in the past, but Sunday was embarrassing.
To be honest I don't really mind him although I do prefer Fred for away games. And Nige is of course a massive Sunderland fan.

Although the Stokies used to say the same negative things about him being a City fan as many on here do about him being a Stokie! But I guess that what happens when you butter your bread on both sides.

Interestingly following many of the comments in this thread it might be worth noting that he no longer works for radio stoke as he and their former lead football presenter/ commentator John acres were taken off stoke games after criticising Pulis post match. TP went ape at the station and Nige has never been back. Acres got relegated to Vale games and is now to be heard reporting on lower league games for 5 live having left the station over the summer.

On a slight side note we really are lucky to have such a through and through blue as Cheesy as our commentator. Most of the stoke presenters/commentators including Acres - who is from Plymouth! - have no affinity with the club and it shows. Much to the annoyance of many Potters.
Freestyler said:
Gleghorn is a disgrace.

He got questions and points thrown at him Sunday that he simply couldn't answer to.

A friend who we go to the games with despises him, and after Sunday she eventually snapped. She rang up and complained about him, and a lady at the station took note of what she said and said they will ring her back.

Gleghorn has been bad in the past, but Sunday was embarrassing.

Yes it was, utterly awful. I also rang up (something I have never done before) to complain - they said they cannot take complaints but I should do it via the BBC website, which I have since done, and maybe others who dislike his appalling biasedness and basic incompetence should do. However at least he has one happy listener eh dave
wireblue said:
Gleghorn said yesterday that mancini’s body language has destroyed some players. If that’s the case then they aren’t good enough players to begin with. I have no particular axe to grind with him but it is getting very tiresome getting in the car after every match and listen to him moan and about mancini and balotelli.

But what really pisses me off is when someone calls in who not only hasnt been to the game but hasn’t even bothered to watch it on television. So they’re basing their opinions on the opinions of the person they are speaking to. What is the point in that?
Yeah I heard that, said Bobby'd destroyed Adam Johnson's confidence in particular.... then, in order to prove a point, said it was 'Nice to see him doing so well down at Sunderland'... At first I thought he was being ironic.... but then again....!!
yayas trusty right foot said:
I dont mind the guy as he is very knowledgable about football..

However his attitude towards Mancini is terrible, it is obvious that he does not like him and very rarely gives him any praise...

He questions his team selection, his subs, his tactics and Cheesman agrees with him most of the time..
Agreed, Cheeseman is just as (publicly) negative, these days, sadly.... must have applied for a job with 5 live or 'talkshite'.
I very rarely listen to Radio Manchester after the game, but was driving on Sunday so put it on when we got in the car.

I only had it on for a few minutes and had to switch stations as his comments were inane. I had just ed a pretty decent all round performance and a great finish to the game, so was in an excellent state of mind. I then listen to Gleghorn telling us that we weren't that great,AJ is a world beater, Mancini is under pressure etc., all in the space of a couple of minutes. To be honest, I think he's just a bit thick and getting away with earning a living in the media for the time being.
BringBackSwales said:
I also rang up (something I have never done before) to complain - they said they cannot take complaints but I should do it via the BBC website, which I have since done,

You don't know how much that tickled me.
On the way home from the match today, he was still banging on about Mario even though he hasn't played for two games. Plonker!

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