Nigel Gleghorn

Hung said:
BringBackSwales said:
Hung said:
It’s not that he’s anti City (I doubt that he is), or anti Mancini (which he definitely is) that is the problem with him. He’s just the shittiest of the shit when it comes to being a pundit and he’s even worse as an anchor man. Out of his depth, intellectually challenged and prone to inane, meaningless bullshit. He isn’t helped by the general quality of the callers, most of whom sound either pissed or so giddy with excitement to be on the radio they can barely get their words out. The answer of course is to turn the radio off or turn to a different station, which is a pity, because GMR is the only radio station with a programme really dedicated to City.

It is a show which should be made to appeal to City fans, but I do not think he adds anything at all - I think Ian Cheeseman is good, Jimmy Wagg is ok, Fred Eyre is morose and negative, and not at all funny (despite his reputation) but nigel for me fails at every level:-

Never played at a particularly high level
Never coached at a high level
In my opinion tactically inept
Very incoherent and mumbling
No presentation skills
Not a City legend
Utterly biased and obsessed against City's manager
If he is intelligent he does a fantastic job of hiding it
Is not at all amusing or humorous
Has no rapport with callers, and if he did then he might get more out of them

Those are the things which come to mind, but then again I am a bit one-eyed

I can’t see that anyone can argue with any of that, regardless of how many eyes you’ve got.

oh but dismal didsbury can (and indeed has)
taconinja said:
Didsbury Dave said:
BringBackSwales said:
Most local radio stations would be accused of being biased in favour of their local team's manager, but we get one who is blatantly one-eyedly biased against our manager .

Ever thought that you might be the one eyed one? ;-)
If it's accurate that he thinks bringing on Maicon was a mistake, then he's too stupid to be on the air.
When's the last time you listened to GMR?
BringBackSwales said:
Hung said:
BringBackSwales said:
It is a show which should be made to appeal to City fans, but I do not think he adds anything at all - I think Ian Cheeseman is good, Jimmy Wagg is ok, Fred Eyre is morose and negative, and not at all funny (despite his reputation) but nigel for me fails at every level:-

Never played at a particularly high level
Never coached at a high level
In my opinion tactically inept
Very incoherent and mumbling
No presentation skills
Not a City legend
Utterly biased and obsessed against City's manager
If he is intelligent he does a fantastic job of hiding it
Is not at all amusing or humorous
Has no rapport with callers, and if he did then he might get more out of them

Those are the things which come to mind, but then again I am a bit one-eyed

I can’t see that anyone can argue with any of that, regardless of how many eyes you’ve got.

oh but dismal didsbury can (and indeed has)
yeah mate. Some semi-literate geezer on the Internet knows it all. Its impossible to argue with your flawless logic. In fact If the head of BBC Radio's sports team is out there he'll be appointing you to the board of directors after that insightful diatribe. Hell, If he hears you don't like Fred Eyre(the Fred eyre who's made himself very rich writing and performing on the after dinner circuit about football) he might set a focus group around you or something. He may be concerned you don't seem hugely impressed with wagg, though. What's the problem? Had he mentioned united a few too many times? There was a thread on here once calling him
Jimmy Rag for that you know. You could perhaps use that as a basis for a thesis you write for him.

In fact why not recommend the BBC a City team so they can up their game and appeal to the sensible posters on this thread? They could go for Les Battersby, Daft Donald and Liam Gallagher. None of this pro-rag agenda stuff from those boys, eh?

We're onto something here.
Didsbury Dave said:
taconinja said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ever thought that you might be the one eyed one? ;-)
If it's accurate that he thinks bringing on Maicon was a mistake, then he's too stupid to be on the air.
When's the last time you listened to GMR?

Sunday, although I believe it is called bbc radio Manchester these days

You obviously don't listen to it given that you think gleghorn is not one eyed in his views on Roberto Mancini
Didsbury Dave said:
BringBackSwales said:
Hung said:
I can’t see that anyone can argue with any of that, regardless of how many eyes you’ve got.

oh but dismal didsbury can (and indeed has)
yeah mate. Some semi-literate geezer on the Internet knows it all. Its impossible to argue with your flawless logic. In fact If the head of BBC Radio's sports team is out there he'll be appointing you to the board of directors after that insightful diatribe. Hell, If he hears you don't like Fred Eyre(the Fred eyre who's made himself very rich writing and performing on the after dinner circuit about football) he might set a focus group around you or something. He may be concerned you don't seem hugely impressed with wagg, though. What's the problem? Had he mentioned united a few too many times? There was a thread on here once calling him
Jimmy Rag for that you know. You could perhaps use that as a basis for a thesis you write for him.

In fact why not recommend the BBC acoher City team so they can up their game and appeal to the sensible posters on this thread? They could go for Les Battersby, Daft Donald and Liam Gallagher. None of this pro-rag agenda stuff from those boys, eh?

We're onto something here.

I think there's only 1 geezer on the internet that knows it all and it most certainly isn't me. However rather than your continued vague meanderings about things I haven't actually said, how about answering the points actually raised:-

do you REALLY think nigel gleghorn is coherent and eloquent?

do you think he is tactically astute? Go on, as you seem to know everything (plus some), give me 1 example of nigel's tactical prowess from comments he made after Sunday's match?

tell me that you REALLY think he is a good communicator and hosts a good show, links between calls well, communicates clearly and articulately?

Give me an example of how well you think he relates to callers, how he skillfully initiates intelligent discussion with those callers, how he develops interesting and stimulating debate?

Tell me, and mean it, that he does not have an intense dislike of Roberto Mancini and bring it into EVERY show he is involved with - go on, tell me the last time he did a show on radio manchester and did not have a pop at Mancini, give me an approximate date?

Give me an example of his humour, just one would be good

But you never do, you do not respond to the specific points raised, you make up vague, irrelevant and frankly inaccurate points - when did I mention Liam Gallagher, Daft Donald or Les Battersby? When did I say anything about the BBC board ofdirectors (and would that be the same BBC who have employed such luminaries as david mellor, alan green, steve claridge, danny mills, alan hansen, mark lawrenson, alan shearer and edwina currie? - so yes of course the BBC ALWAYS gets it right, this obviosuly proves that the appointment of nigel gleghorn into his role was the usual bbc managerial masterstroke.

But why not let what I actually said get in the way of what you would like to portray that I said. And then why not for good measure throw in a bit of your usual arrogant, smarmy put downs such as "semi literate"? Yeah, nice one that dave

Your smugness shines through your posts it really does. I have genuine reasons for feeling that nigel gleghorn is extremely poor at what he does, a view shared by many but not all, but one which I am more than capable of expressing, and also completely entitled to, semi-literate as I may (or indeed may not) be - it beats a snearing attitude, and made-up irrelevant drivel
Oooohhhhhhhh errrrr missis

Quite happy to dish out the 'dismal' a few posts ago but doesnt like it up him, mister mannering-)

don't worry mate, you're far from the first hypocrite on the web.

What about Ricky Hatton in the studio, Mike Summerbee and Tits Out Jackie doing the commentary and Moonchester hosting the phone in?

You won't get Moonie criticising Bob.
Didsbury Dave said:
Oooohhhhhhhh errrrr missis

Quite happy to dish out the 'dismal' a few posts ago but doesnt like it up him, mister mannering-)

don't worry mate, you're far from the first hypocrite on the web.

What about Ricky Hatton in the studio, Mike Summerbee and Tits Out Jackie doing the commentary and Moonchester hosting the phone in?

You won't get Moonie criticising Bob.

yet again, when and where did I mention Ricky Hatton, Mike Sumerbee, Jackie or Moonie? You really must stop making stuff up - when you are totally incapable of answering the points raised you just refer to things I haven't said and make shit up (well apart from the dismal bit to be fair). I have said nothing hypocritical, and I have not attributed stuff to you that you haven't actually said - so which is the more hypocritical, saying what you think or making stuff up?
BringBackSwales said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Oooohhhhhhhh errrrr missis

Quite happy to dish out the 'dismal' a few posts ago but doesnt like it up him, mister mannering-)

don't worry mate, you're far from the first hypocrite on the web.

What about Ricky Hatton in the studio, Mike Summerbee and Tits Out Jackie doing the commentary and Moonchester hosting the phone in?

You won't get Moonie criticising Bob.

yet again, when and where did I mention Ricky Hatton, Mike Sumerbee, Jackie or Moonie? You really must stop making stuff up - when you are totally incapable of answering the points raised you just refer to things I haven't said and make shit up (well apart from the dismal bit to be fair). I have said nothing hypocritical, and I have not attributed stuff to you that you haven't actually said - so which is the more hypocritical, saying what you think or making stuff up?
I've not seen Tits Out Jackie for ages and I've never rated Nigel Gleghorn - I've always thought he was a Stoke fan and only on GMR for the money
I dont mind the guy as he is very knowledgable about football..

However his attitude towards Mancini is terrible, it is obvious that he does not like him and very rarely gives him any praise...

He questions his team selection, his subs, his tactics and Cheesman agrees with him most of the time..

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