No extension for Aguero?

Aguero has been fantastic for City. City have been fantastic for Aguero.

He is a man of his word and expects others to honour their word.

It will be a sad day when Aguero leaves City, whenever that is.

Enjoy Aguero whilst we can and wish him well when he goes, wherever it is. I would expect it to be Argentina.
I find it interesting the difference in reaction between Milner leaving at the end of his contract, and Sergio doing the same thing.

Just saying....

Honesty? One has been pretty upfront about his intentions. I respect that.
Am I the only one who gets hit with a large dose of sadness everytime I think about him leaving the club?
How old will Sergio be at the end of the 2018-19 season?

And, if he leaves at the end of 2018, as in after the WC, might there be a small gentleman's agreement" fee associated with the move? Many, many players appear to sign new deals and then go straight on the market (if they weren't already!) just so their club can jack up their fee. Might there be a gentleman's agreement that he gets a free pass to leave for Independiente after the WC, but there will be a small fee attached to cover the last year of his contract?

It's an actual question, not an ITK attempt, or some conspiracy theory.
In 2019 he'll be around 30, maybe just after a striker's prime. Lots can happen between now and then, he might extend. For now we have him, he'll do his job as always, with great effectiveness. If he or we want him to stay, then talks shall happen. If not he's been a breath of fresh air. I think to a degree he is irreplaceable. So was Tevez. We'll have pushed someone through the ranks by then. Or players will be available. Maybe we can convince him to stay and loan him out for a duration... I think with Sergio, whatver he decides, we'll respect. He deserves it.

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