No Manchester C o A on the FA Cup final shirt

plattlaneregular said:
Don't post often but this really, really pisses me off.

This has shown me that despite all the reassurances the 'Sheikh' has decided we don't represent Manchester anymore. We represent Him and his investment and rescue of this club.

As far as I'm concerned this is as big a step as trafford taking 'Football Club' off their badge.

Mansour, there is acknowledement at what you've done for us but to pull the rug from under our feet as the Manchester Club is a big decision. Maybe too big a decision.

Bongo Joe said:
Here's a taster. Couldn't find our current kit as a template so had to get a new collar on it. You get the basic idea though:


I like!!
Just back in from my gig and pleased to see well over 500 names on there now - yes there are some duplicates and some rags but there's an awful lot of blue on there wanting to make a difference - and nobody made a difference by doing fook-all! To all those who are against petitions or against signing it - fair play, 'tis your choice - but if you want to see the CofA on the shirt don't just do nothing and expect it to happen - call them, email them, write to them - just do something else, but do something!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Spread the word and lets see if we can over the 1k mark by the end of the weekend - in the meantime I'll craft an email to the suits.
Its unfortunate and embarrassing that the club have now been contacted about this petition, particularly given the small selection of 'signatures' I have cut and pasted from it below-utterly cringeworthy and the amount of signatures you're led to believe are on there is not credible in the slightest when you look at them, easily between 20-30% of the 'signatues' are rags, faceless pseudonyms or excerpts from Wikipedia.

268. Canal Street MCFC I think we should have a big GAY coat of arms with plenty of taches on it

263. Markie07 Stockport massive fan me

258. Mike Summerbee I`m a senile bitter old c*unt

249. Curly Watts 35 YEARS

229. Gatley Blue Surely we should have the Stockport coat of arms???

318. Berty city divs

309. Torquay reds were not even boverd u won the semi!! were da biggest club in da world and we hav da nicest kits. u myt b da tru Manc club, but we hav fans from evry where were luved for bein arrogant braindead scum!!! ull never be a cool as us! n were not gloryhunters were just born red innit. so dont be jelous dick eds STOCKPORT MASSIVE lol. btw wher abouts is dat?


307. Mr. McScotty Haggis is indelibly linked to Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns. Born on 25th January 1759 in Alloway, Ayrshire, his birth is celebrated at Burns suppers throughout the world, where haggis is consumed with great gusto and great ceremony. While remaining the culinary centrepiece of this celebration, haggis is now popular as a nutritious and easy to use ingredient throughout the year, enlivening canapés, pakoras, lasagne, pies and many other recipes.

304. 35 years MANCHESTER IS RED

301. Republic of Mancunia Manchester City last won a trophy on February 28th 1976. Since then Manchester United have won 29 trophies.

299. Bertrand Magoo 35 MASSIVE YEARS


295. 35 35 YEARS

288. Boy George Phill Hall sucked me off last night behind The George and Dragon in Cheadle.

285. Carlos Kettleneck Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ following his time in the desert and his triumphal re-entrance into Jerusalem. This is a very important event in many Christian churches and is seen by some as the foundation of the Religion. Many churches hold special services on Good Friday to remind their congregations about Christ's suffering. Good Friday falls on the Friday before the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox.

287. Harry Ramsden But where did this famous culinary delight originate? The simple answer is that no one really knows. We do know that fish and chips were developed separately. The French invented chips or “chipped pommes de terre a la mode” (from the humble potato commonly believed to have been brought to Europe by Sir Walter Raleigh in the 17 th century), and in 1839 Charles Dickens referred to a “fried fish warehouse” in Oliver Twist.

281. Phill Hall I love sucking cock.

278. Bertie Magoo city are a massive club, bell was better than best, widest pitch, tallest floodlights billionaires and still 35 years without a f'ucking trophy.

376. Berty Magoo COZ CITY ARE A MASSIVE CLUB.......35 YEARS

367. Harry Potter Wedgwood, England's finest china company, has been synonymous with beauty, craftsmanship and innovation for almost 250 years. Founded by Josiah Wedgwood I, known as the 'father of English potters', Wedgwood created the ornamental wares black basalt and Jasper for which the company is still renowned and perfected Queen's Ware, the company's celebrated cream coloured ceramic body.


340. John O'Shea I like Boys Bums.

337. Curly Watts I`m a pissed up div

336. Roberto Mancini Stockport, surely to God it must be Stockport!!

333. Harry Redknap Half a billion spent and won f*ck all

328. Wiggy Ireland A wig is a head of hair made from horsehair, human hair, wool, feathers, yak hair, buffalo hair, or synthetic materials which is worn on the head for fashion or various other aesthetic and stylistic reasons, including cultural and religious observance. The word wig is short for periwig and first appeared in the English language around 1675.


406. Alex Ferguson I hate you city ! Do you realise how much Whiskey I had to drink to forget about that defeat! Also my face looks like bacon

391. 35 35

475. MCFC Canal Street supporters club Any of you out of town blues fancy some botty action, don`t hesitate to visit our lovely lounge, where ample lubrication will be provided, unless you prefer it dry.

453. KAKA Who's that biff with the tattoo of me? Total spaz

439. Freddie Flintoff I think it should be the Stockport coat of arms, seeing as that's where the core of our support is.

497. dan carter I'm a fudgepacker


483. 35 years 35 MASSIVE YEARS

oldestswinger said:
Just back in from my gig and pleased to see well over 500 names on there now - yes there are some duplicates and some rags but there's an awful lot of blue on there wanting to make a difference - and nobody made a difference by doing fook-all! To all those who are against petitions or against signing it - fair play, 'tis your choice - but if you want to see the CofA on the shirt don't just do nothing and expect it to happen - call them, email them, write to them - just do something else, but do something!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Spread the word and lets see if we can over the 1k mark by the end of the weekend - in the meantime I'll craft an email to the suits.
So by your definition that leaves 70% that aren't - so some rags are spoiling the overall number - so what! There's still hundreds on there that are genuine and the more genuine ones we can get on there the more their presence is diluted. If you spent as much time promoting the cause as whining about the rags on there that could be considered a helpful thing to do ;)
No thanks, I want Citys badge on the shirt not the councils.
oldestswinger said:
So by your definition that leaves 70% that aren't - so some rags are spoiling the overall number - so what! There's still hundreds on there that are genuine and the more genuine ones we can get on there the more their presence is diluted. If you spent as much time promoting the cause as whining about the rags on there that could be considered a helpful thing to do ;)
Roger Ringpiece said:
No thanks, I want Citys badge on the shirt not the councils.
oldestswinger said:
So by your definition that leaves 70% that aren't - so some rags are spoiling the overall number - so what! There's still hundreds on there that are genuine and the more genuine ones we can get on there the more their presence is diluted. If you spent as much time promoting the cause as whining about the rags on there that could be considered a helpful thing to do ;)

So that's the problem then - we're doing something that you don't approve of and you're using the fact that the overall number is flawed to hide behind. Now I understand :) For one moment I thought you cared that the petition was inaccurate - now I know that you don't want any petition to be made to the club - full stop!

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