No one is bigger than MCFC - Let It Be

Tevez has been hinting at wanting out for a while now,so i didn`t think he would be here next season. Like Rooney, he is as thick as pig shit.The club have done all they can to help him and he repays them with in this way, why didn`t he name names? I getting sick of some of our players attitude towards the club and its time for the club to make a stand. If Mancini wants him to play, fine I will support him as part of the team. If he doesn`t fine I will support Mancini .
As has been stated elsewhere no one is bigger than the club, I just hope City don`t offer him more money.
That's a top post Gary and it's restored my faith in our top management at the club. I must say that Garry Cook's been known to make the odd faux-pas during his time at City and when I read Tevez's statement it got the demons in my head whirring that maybe Cook is actually a bit of an arse all along and Tevez might have a point. However, I'm firmly on the Club's side on this one now which is where I wanted to be all along. :)
BufordUSABlue said:
Top post from a top man in my book Gary - nice one!

Incidentally, i met Garry Cook for the first time on my last trip back to England, during the Ryder Cup weekend and actually spoke to him at the Ryder Cup on the Saturday (before the Newcastle game the next day of course, which was the real highlight of my trip!) and found him to be a really warm, genuine, down-to-earth and extremely friendly guy who really enthused about City when he spoke..

It was the day after the club’s annual results had been released and asked me what i thought about them and he was genuinely interested in what i had to say. He spoke to my best pal and I for about 20 minutes or so, despite being in company and made me feel that he valued both my opinion and my long term support of our fantastic club. Before he left, he urged me to stay patient for a little while longer, as things were happening and success is just around the corner……… which he said with the largest smile I saw all day 

Before i met the guy, i was very much on-the-fence about him and that was mainly down to what I had read in the rat infested media of the UK. But after that brief encounter, i now have a firm opinion of Garry and its a very good one! Without a doubt, he wants success as much as anybody for the club, but he assured me that they are doing everything the right way from top to bottom, without once mentioning that anything had been done wrong in the past, which i thought was a very professional way of saying it.

Before he left us, he did say to let him know when i am back at Christmas and he would at very least come to my pals box and say hi, as in his words "if you can make the effort of coming back once or twice a season from the US to watch City, then the least i can do is to come and say Hi…and thank you".........which made me feel like the club really appreciates us long suffering supporters and what we have had to endure for so long…

Well done Gary and Garry - both top City men in my book!

Incidentally, does anyone think that he has played his last game for the club now?
If its his choice than i would suggest that he has, as he seems quite determined about leaving..and ASAP!
But if its the clubs decision and ultimately Bobby's, then will he pick him (our top goalscorer) given the circumstances abound at the moment??
We have some big difficult games coming up before the turn of the year and the window opening;
Everton (H) Trying to find some form and get some consistency back
Geordies (A) Boxing Day and always a tough place to go, it will be fooking freezing and Gawd knows what Balo will be wearing and of course they have a new manager...
Villa (H) Thrutching around for some consistency

Who would want to be in Bobby's shoes right now??
I'm bumping this up because the threads focusing on Tevez's agents negativity towards City seem to be focusing attention. We really need to stand back and focus on City and our positive future/clear direction.

Regardless of what negativity may appear on these threads, it should be stressed that City's leadership is the best it's been for some time and, unlike the City of the 70s, 80s, 90s, the Club has a quality leadership team throughout. There is a clearly defined structure supporting Garry Cook and a clearly defined structure above him. Garry does not run City as if it's his own empire (again, unlike the past!). Every member of his team plays a key part.

Similarly, Garry and that team, led by a strong board of directors and extremely professional chairman, listen and learn from those around them.

From what I can tell based on interviews & conversations with all the Execs (including the Chairman) is that they are unified in their approach to the Club. They have agreed strategies and plans. They have come a long way in the last year or so (remember some of them weren't even at the Club 18 months or so ago) and they are already delivering.

I hope Tevez stays but not if it disrupts City's plans and direction. I'd rather have City's Exec team as it is today and no Tevez, than return to the days when all we had was a talented player (Kinkladze) and a struggling future.

Also, let's not get carried away by disagreements between players and manager - that's passion for the game. I mentioned earlier about Marsh & Revie going on the transfer list and still performing - both players also clashed with their manager. Revie did so in an extremely public manner (at a time when the media tended not to report this type of story) but despite his conflict he stayed at the Club for about a year or so (he more or less went on strike at one point, but Les McDowall still picked him for the FA Cup final despite the obvious issues).

The media needs to sell advertising space and attract readers/viewers. Stories will get blown out of all proportion or created. That's understandable, but the best we can do is focus on the positives and hope Tevez (the player, not his agent) sees sense.

If he wants help domestically, I'm convinced City will be able to resolve whatever issue's thrown his way. If a club is prepared to use private jets to fly players back from internationals I'm sure they can sort out a situation that allows Tevez more time with his family in a Spanish speaking place - In the 40s Arsenal allowed Joe Mercer to live on Merseyside while he captained their side. He went to London for games and it took him about 5 hours travel time after a game to get back to his family - how long would it take Tevez to travel by private plane from Spain (if his family want to live in a Spanish language country)? It might even be a daily commute!
Cheers Gary, I thought things were similar to what you have said. I really don't care about the man any more, and I only wish he doesnt play for us again. That might sound like chopping your nose off to spite your face, but come on, he's made his stance and thats mine.

Lets all make the Everton game the one where we all really get together and support the one thing we are all debating and together love, CITY, Manchester City.
Just listening to Blue Tuesday, (I'm Exiled) and Lakey says something which I feel all Blues are going to react too.

We ALL need to galvanise for the Everton game, it will happen.

Bounce to the ground, its Christmas, we are joint second, we have the best owners in football, superb team, best fans, brightest future of any team in the world.

We are one, we are many.

Bobby Manc's Blue & White Army, lets hear it....
Sorry for keep posting, I dont post much, but I think this is a great view and should be at the top.

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