No Training Today?

SWP's back said:
Blue Hefner said:
I find this bizarre that a team in the top 2 with 7 games to play lets it players and management swan off to Europe on a alarming regular basis. After Saturday's disaster, which has been coming, all leave should have been cancelled and they should have been in. Firstly for a right bollocking, second to iron out some differences and thirdly to discuss the game and how we plan to turn it around.
Shows how far we have come I guess when a first home draw (when nearly in April) is described as a disaster I suppose.

I sometimes wonder what's happening to our fans.

-- Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:31 pm --

lionheart said:
Mancini is in Italy either trying to find a summer buyer for Balotelli or looking for a career change of his own. As for Nigel flying home to Amsterdam, it's pretty clear where he wants to be next season.
Can this wum not be fucked off soon please?

This has been the best season i have seen in my lifetime mate.
But surely after saturdays performance, and what with the recent away form, the players should have one priority at the moment, and that's putting every amount of energy and focus into winning the league and to finish what we started.
At what is the most important point in the season, not taking an undeserved break to fly here, there and everywhere.
DanCity2890 said:
shootmeifipost10k said:
BillyShears said:
It's really not that difficult to criticise him for giving the players time off when last week's time off was followed by Saturday's inept performance. We were tactically all over the shop on Saturday. As I say, I'd expect more training not less with Arsenal coming up at the weekend. I'd expect a fucking siege mentality with Mancini calling the players in and having a post mortem on why things are going to badly wrong at the minute. I'd expect extra work on midfield and forward movement. Extra work on team shape.

We lose to Arsenal and what was a blip will have turned into an unmitigated disaster, and I get the impression that no one is really that arsed because .... well, we're second. Fair enough. I'm going to hold the manager/players to higher standards than that, as I suspect will the owners.

I'm not going to argue with you about it because the reasons for and against having a day off both have equal merit.
But my stance on you wanting to turn this into a Mancini bashing thread still stands.
The next game as not even been played and you have already had a go have you not ?
What will you say if come the Arsenal game we beat them and look fresh and back to our earlier form I'll guess probably nothing and hope this thread falls off the page.
Your daily stance is admirable if nothing else.

How's it mancini bashing lol?
We were shite on saturday. And i too would expect them to be on the training pitch today trying to right all the wrongs, that have cost us too many points recently.
Especially at this time of the season, where every game should be treated as a cup final!

It will turn into a bashing thread without knowing the outcome of the days off.

Days off will not have been thought up while sat after the game on staurday.It will have been planned out over a period of time structured by the health and fitness team and the merits of when those days off are in the season will have no bearing on how we have played the previous game.
Every team will have days off and for the same reason they have been planned in advance.For us some weeks there will be none it appears this past couple of weeks there has been some planned and the players will know in advance and plan things accordingly.
Like I said earlier the merits for both can be argued all day but until the next game has been played this thread will be nothing more than a bashing of the manager and there are already enough threads on this board at the moment for doing that.

I'd better say I more than likely agree with you maybe they should be if not on the pitch doing something to analyze what has been going wrong but I'd like to think maybe this will happen after training later this week.
Blue Hefner said:
SWP's back said:
Blue Hefner said:
I find this bizarre that a team in the top 2 with 7 games to play lets it players and management swan off to Europe on a alarming regular basis. After Saturday's disaster, which has been coming, all leave should have been cancelled and they should have been in. Firstly for a right bollocking, second to iron out some differences and thirdly to discuss the game and how we plan to turn it around.
Shows how far we have come I guess when a first home draw (when nearly in April) is described as a disaster I suppose.

I sometimes wonder what's happening to our fans.

-- Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:31 pm --

lionheart said:
Mancini is in Italy either trying to find a summer buyer for Balotelli or looking for a career change of his own. As for Nigel flying home to Amsterdam, it's pretty clear where he wants to be next season.
Can this wum not be fucked off soon please?

The performance was a disaster and has been coming. Which ever way you look at it with 8 games to go drawing at home to S'land is a disaster

Totally agree Saturday was a disaster. Conceding three goals was a disaster, it was reminiscent of the Hughes era. For a team challenging for the top spot, the performance was shocking. Giving the players the day off, and allowing them to jet all over Europe is another example of the ill discipline at the club. It doesn't bode well and I can see major changes ahead. Let's see what headlines we can generate this week.
BillyShears said:
Cheesy said:
The sad fact is that if they'd been in training today many of the very same posters berating Mancini for giving them the day off would be having a go at him for not giving the players a break 6 days before a huge game.

Rubbish. Absolute rubbish with no foundation whatsoever... the same posters criticising Mancini this week are the same ones who criticised him last week for taking time off and giving the players time off after Stoke. Is that really that hard to comprehend?

Many of the posters criticising Mancini this week are the same posters who criticise him for absolutely everything. At least they're consistent I suppose.
Cheesy said:
BillyShears said:
Cheesy said:
The sad fact is that if they'd been in training today many of the very same posters berating Mancini for giving them the day off would be having a go at him for not giving the players a break 6 days before a huge game.

Rubbish. Absolute rubbish with no foundation whatsoever... the same posters criticising Mancini this week are the same ones who criticised him last week for taking time off and giving the players time off after Stoke. Is that really that hard to comprehend?

Many of the posters criticising Mancini this week are the same posters who criticise him for absolutely everything. At least they're consistent I suppose.

Worth bearing in mind that Bob isn't exactly doing himself many favours recently, there are plenty of faults and issues since our dip in form started that can be laid squarely at his door.
Rammy Blue said:
Cheesy said:
BillyShears said:
Rubbish. Absolute rubbish with no foundation whatsoever... the same posters criticising Mancini this week are the same ones who criticised him last week for taking time off and giving the players time off after Stoke. Is that really that hard to comprehend?

Many of the posters criticising Mancini this week are the same posters who criticise him for absolutely everything. At least they're consistent I suppose.

Worth bearing in mind that Bob isn't exactly doing himself many favours recently, there are plenty of faults and issues since our dip in form started that can be laid squarely at his door.
Oi, I replied to you in the Express thread.
Cheesy said:
Many of the posters criticising Mancini this week are the same posters who criticise him for absolutely everything. At least they're consistent I suppose.

Football manager in getting criticised for his team's shortcomings shocker. Very strange I know. Better we stick to blaming the supporters as we're all terrible and it's our fault we're no longer top of the league, out of the Europa league, and going backwards at an alarming rate.
Think they were in on Sunday for warm down and day off today would be to let certain injured players like Aguero, Silva, Richards, Lescott, Nasri and to a lesser extent Kompany and Zabba rest. Given that's most of the team, I don't think it's unreasonable to let the rest have a day off. They may well do a double session at some stage.
Cheesy said:
BillyShears said:
Cheesy said:
The sad fact is that if they'd been in training today many of the very same posters berating Mancini for giving them the day off would be having a go at him for not giving the players a break 6 days before a huge game.

Rubbish. Absolute rubbish with no foundation whatsoever... the same posters criticising Mancini this week are the same ones who criticised him last week for taking time off and giving the players time off after Stoke. Is that really that hard to comprehend?

Many of the posters criticising Mancini this week are the same posters who criticise him for absolutely everything. At least they're consistent I suppose.

He lives and dies by what happens on the pitch like all managers do, win and get results us fickle fans would have nothing to moan about
no problem with our squad having the day off.

dont like the fact that our squad jet off wheever they want for a day.

its fucking ridiculous in my opinion

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