Noisy basta*ds

Fame Monster

Well-Known Member
28 Jun 2009
OSC Milan
Some motherfucking dog's really beginning to grind my gears. It's been barking for months, and to be honest, it's outstayed its welcome on my street. Trying to do Yoga whilst its barking from as early as 8:00 in the morning to as late as 2 in the morning/night is no mean feat. My usually zen like state of being is in pieces, and to my mind, I'm left with a few options.

1. Burn the house down with the dog inside

2. Soundproof my house at a cost of £5,000

3. Throw over poisoned meat

4. Talk to the owner of the dog

5. Phone environmental health

6. Go out the back door and shout "stttoooopppp noooowwww" really loud

I've spoke to the neighbours about it, and a few are pissed off, a few not really arsed. On the strength of that feeling, I took option 1 off the table. Now options 2, 3, 4 and 6 are not really desirable for a few reasons so I recently phoned the council to see what they could do about it. A letter's been sent, but I was given a diary to record when the dog's been barking.

How long after filling in a diary will the problem be resolved?

And has anyone experienced problems like this before?

If so, did you think 'fuck it' before torching the gaff?
When you take a dog to the vet to be put down do they ask lots of questions? I was considering nicking my neighbour's dog and getting it put down.
Ring RSPCA, a barking dog isn't a happy one so they may react better than the council, saying that a tortoise reacts better than the council.

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