Noisy basta*ds

As i have said before

When the owner comes back from work jump him from behind and knock him out with a blunt instrument. Hessian sack over the head secured with tie wraps, bound the arms and legs in the boot of your car. Drive to a remote area and hang him upside down on a tree branch. Beat him with a baseball bat for 20 minutes or so or untill he is a bit tenderised. Knock him out again, strip him naked and drive back home.

As for the dog i dont know!!
Paddy and his wife were laying in bed one night, being kept awake by the neighbours dog barking, outside in his neighbours garden.

After 20 minutes or so, Paddy got up and said "fook this, I'm going to sort this out"

Five minutes later, Paddy returned, "that's that sorted" he said

"What did you do" asked his wife "its still barking"

"I put the fooker in our garden - lets see how they like it"
I have the same problem with the neighbours dogs next to me. As soon as I step out into my garden the fuckers do bark. If I go anywhere near my back gate the fuckers barking. I get a wake up call from them every other morning when the milk man drops the milk off. I have said it to the neighbours but they pay no attention to it. Lazy cunts wont even bring the dogs out on walks. If I am working in the garden its a pain in the arse but I just spray the fuckers with water and it soon shuts it up.
leighton said:
I have the same problem with the neighbours dogs next to me. As soon as I step out into my garden the fuckers do bark. If I go anywhere near my back gate the fuckers barking. I get a wake up call from them every other morning when the milk man drops the milk off. I have said it to the neighbours but they pay no attention to it. Lazy cunts wont even bring the dogs out on walks. If I am working in the garden its a pain in the arse but I just spray the fuckers with water and it soon shuts it up.
That's kerry blues for you.
Take the dog, drive 5-10 miles out of town, or into another town, drop the dog off at the side of the street and drive back home to your bliss.
I've got the same with a house that backs onto mine, such a pain in the arse especially when im on nights.

Dropped a bollock the other week as I was coming in from the garden with a fuck-off hangover when I told the noisy bastard 'shut the fuck up you gobshite'. not realising the neighbour was stood in his door having a fag...

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