North Stand Construction Discussion

Wouldn't football be even better if fans never questioned anything or stood up for themselves?

You do know what fan campaigning has achieved, don't you?

If every football fan was like you, club owners, the PL, the FA, etc wouldn't give the fans any concessions.

Why is the Government looking at appointing an Independent Football Regulator?

Agree, but that is a very generic arguement to a quite specific issue mate.

That's my biggest recurring issue here actually, people losing sight of the discussion at hand and spiralling into broad general theories.

Wouldn't football be even better if those same fans had just a little bit of an open mind that there are many ways to do things, and just maybe the club aren't completely incompetent nor competely exploitative. See, easy, right.
It’s short term greed and is causing a glaring long term problem.

For every one of us proper fans who get to the final straw with the club over everything (whether it’s ticket prices or sick to death of being sat next to opposition fans), the club have got a new stand to fill in a stadium it’s already not filled once this season.

The whole world wanted to come to the Etihad last season because we’d won a treble the season before. I think our boardroom thought this would carry on, but already it’s noticeable that attendances are down this season because the daytrippers want a day trip to Madrid instead this season. If it’s already noticeable after just one season since a treble, imagine if it’s a decade without a trophy because one day all this success will end.

The new NSL2 could be a season ticket filled atmosphere generating special stand… but it’s more likely that the club are creating a long term problem with their short term greed that will see us have a situation like Barcelona (where Soriano came from) who are a club happy to average 15,000-30,000 empty seats depending on the season (their average attendance in 2017-18 after Luis Enrique left at the end of the previous season was just 66,854 in a 99,000 stadium).

That’s what Soriano is creating a legacy of in the stands at City.
Excellent post, I look at Barca and it worries me.
Wouldn't football be even better if fans never questioned anything or stood up for themselves?

You do know what fan campaigning has achieved, don't you?

If every football fan was like you, club owners, the PL, the FA, etc wouldn't give the fans any concessions.

Why is the Government looking at appointing an Independent Football Regulator?

Agree jrb. So much of the game we knew has been removed from us fans to suit the money people. I would temper that with saying a lot of changes have been for the better though. If fans don't agree with something , where possible, challenge it either as an individual or as a collective. If not they will take everything.
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Agree, but that is a very generic arguement to a quite specific issue mate.

That's my biggest recurring issue here actually, people losing sight of the discussion at hand and spiralling into broad general theories.

Wouldn't football be even better if those same fans had just a little bit of an open mind that there are many ways to do things, and just maybe the club aren't completely incompetent nor competely exploitative. See, easy, right.
Naive that mate. Everything the club does is about maximising commercial match day revenue. 1894 keep them in check a bit, without the likes of them we’d all be already paying Villa prices for champions league £97 etc
Do they or is that just to score points? Obviously you can't say much but if you do can you at least say anything in the broadest of terms?
What rubbish why do they need to score points? They know what current plans around flexi gold and are trying to highlight this before the club drips feeds the announcement. It’s called pressure. Club made no mention of the prices or of which type of tickets are available in the north stand so how can anyone turn round and go I definitely want to go there ?

You’ve seen them time and time again even this season be it Inter pricing or trying to take disabled free parking away they will try and get away with whatever they can.

1894 have said there’s no detail in the announcement. That’s true. No mention of seasoncards. The objective is to get the everyone talking about it not glossy PR pictures. If they had mentioned it in the club statement we’d have answers. We don’t have any answers.

If the club then tries to press ahead with flexi they will now know a storm is brewing.

The ideal scenario is for flexi to be dropped and seasoncards reduced with price frozen. Or for the club to at least indicate they are prepared to change direction here and offer something else whilst they cost up a fairer scheme.

What’s so hard to understand about that strategy ?

Remember fan groups have made the point privately to the club that flexi gold is unfair. They have not listened. The only way they listen is when fans go public. It’s to create the conditions for Citymatters to argue against them again in their next meeting with the club. The same meetings where the club try to control absolutely everything and try to alter minutes of the meetings.

Someone who recently left the club who was working for the club on the fan engagement side last 4 years said Citymatters is a tick box exercise most suggestions get kicked down the road or ignored.

That’s what we are up against.
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