North Stand Construction Discussion

You never know, if non-singers relocate en-masse from SSL1, block 115, we might actually fill the block and original singing section with singers?
Nothing because councils, all councils barely have the money to run basic services,certainly none for grand transport infrastructure around the Etihad.

Manchester has done OK with Factory International. The original budget was £110mill. The final cost was £186mill. The town hall renovation is costing £330mill. The budget for that has increased substantially. Etc. Money is pouring into the council coffers from city centre living, Civil Service relocations, inward and international business investment creating 1000’s of new (Tech) jobs, etc. Yet the basics are being ignored, with the Manchester awash with litter, graffiti, tagging, etc. Manchester looks like a shithole.

I’m always one to fight Manchester’s corner.
Biffa have a lucrative contract awarded to them by MCC to keep the streets of Manchester clean and tidy. When was the last time you saw a Biffa operative or road sweeper in your area emptying the public bins and keeping the streets clean and tidy, Including the streets leading to the Etihad and around the Etihad?
Biffa have a lucrative contract awarded to the by MCC to keep the streets of Manchester clean and tidy. When was the last time you saw a Biffa operative or road sweeper in your area emptying the public bins and keeping the streets clean and tidy, Including the streets leading to the Etihad and around the Etihad?
Wouldn’t that be Bev Craig’s responsibility rather than the Mayor’s?
Wouldn’t that be Bev Craig’s responsibility rather than the Mayor’s?

Probably yes, but Burnham must see what we all see. As the elected leader of Gtr Manchester, and the head of the 10 Gtr Manchester Councils, he does have some influence over the 10 council leaders, which should/would include street cleaning, which is a fundamental and basic necessity for every Gtr Manchester Council.
Probably yes, but Burnham must see what we all see. As the elected leader of Gtr Manchester, and the head of the 10 Gtr Manchester Councils, he does have some influence over the 10 council leaders, which should/would include street cleaning, which is a fundamental and basic necessity for every Gtr Manchester Council.
I usually get the feeling that people hate Burnham for political reasons, which I hope stays (mainly) out of this thread, but even if it wasn't him it would be another Labour candidate as this is Manchester after all. But to say he's done nothing is clearly nonsense. As someone from the north of the GM region, I feel he is sticking up for us and just adding us to the narrative is better than anything else we've had in the past. There are loads of plans for transport and jobs (eg Atom Valley) that are taking shape and yes, he might be piggy backing on long-term developments from prior to his arrival, but hey, that's how politics work.

The Bee Network is a great idea for the GM region and other regions are taking note and starting, or thinking about, doing the same with theirs. It's not perfect of course but it's in its infancy.

I can't speak about street litter in Manchester as I don't live there, but post-industrial areas always look shoddy, especially as they become the go-to places for fly-tipping, and in the city centre some of the businesses don't do enough to prevent their waste spreading out. Here in Bury we get street cleaners coming round regularly, definitely more than it used to be.

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