North Stand Expansion

I see. Yeah, that's just what the approved PA shows, so really just discussing on that basis. But if anyone acknowledges flexibility and scope for change, it is me and I can easily see it becoming safe standing at some point. I assumed after the build or a season built as seating at least, just based purely on what's in the public domain. But if it changes sooner, all the better.
I would personally be surprised if it isn't at least partly safe standing from opening.
I would personally be surprised if it isn't at least partly safe standing from opening.

I could be wrong but I thought you had previously argued it was seating and padded seating that had been priced for and that was what was being built?

But yeah would be great if some of it was safe standing right from the start. Makes no meaningful difference to the planning approval or the infrastructure provisions, just the actual seat vs pod installation, and a bit of additional sporting body paperwork.
The side blocks could be made safe standing without impacting the centre seats on NSL2.

I’m more inclined to think City will make NSL1 safe standing the season after NSL2 is open. That would give City time to inform the fans currently sat in NSL1 about the safe standing changes, to open a relocation window for those fan effected if they want to move, and to install safe standing during the following summer.
The side blocks could be made safe standing without impacting the centre seats on NSL2.

I’m more inclined to think City will make NSL1 safe standing the season after NSL2 is open. That would give City time to inform the fans currently sat in NSL1 about the safe standing changes, to open a relocation window for those fan effected if they want to move, and to install safe standing during the following summer.
Surely that would create a bigger headache for the club. Where would people in the family stand move to?

If it was implemented in north stand level 1 I could see loads of people not moving and sitting down in a safe standing area. The obvious solution is to make ss2 safe standing
I could be wrong but I thought you had previously argued it was seating and padded seating that had been priced for and that was what was being built?

But yeah would be great if some of it was safe standing right from the start. Makes no meaningful difference to the planning approval or the infrastructure provisions, just the actual seat vs pod installation, and a bit of additional sporting body paperwork.
I was of the opinion the GA+ area only, would be padded seats, as I've seen a document which clearly calls them padded seats but the document and company who did it may have derived they are padded from the wording that says the area is to be similar to Joes. So I'm not as convinced in that now.

I've said the rest of the seats are unclear, there's numerous references to safe standing, but also to just seats / seated areas (a safe standing seat is still a seat though?) my current gut feel is it theres too much reference to safe standing for it not to be currently planned as safe standing but I might be clouded in my judgement as that's what I want them to be.
I was of the opinion the GA+ area only, would be padded seats, as I've seen a document which clearly calls them padded seats but the document and company who did it may have derived they are padded from the wording that says the area is to be similar to Joes. So I'm not as convinced in that now.

I've said the rest of the seats are unclear, there's numerous references to safe standing, but also to just seats / seated areas (a safe standing seat is still a seat though?) my current gut feel is it theres too much reference to safe standing for it not to be currently planned as safe standing but I might be clouded in my judgement as that's what I want them to be.

Fair enough, my misremembering or misunderstanding, was easier to ask than search old posts. I've seen the safe standing referred to as 'pods' before, but they could well also be referred to as seats too.

It is something that will either come out in discussions with the fan groups or as the build progresses. If the club themselves know this yet. Don't know the price difference between a seat and a pod but don't imagine it is huge, and they probably don't need to commit one way or the other for another year at least.
Fair enough, my misremembering or misunderstanding, was easier to ask than search old posts. I've seen the safe standing referred to as 'pods' before, but they could well also be referred to as seats too.

It is something that will either come out in discussions with the fan groups or as the build progresses. If the club themselves know this yet. Don't know the price difference between a seat and a pod but don't imagine it is huge, and they probably don't need to commit one way or the other for another year at least.
I'm hopeful it may come out in today's meeting with City Matters, as I've pretty much convinced myself it's safe standing now.
Did try and have a look back the other day but have the club confirmed that it is going to be 2 tiers with the second tier being the larger, unlike the SS which is 2 tiers ? I can't remember seeing any images of what it will look like.

ALSO - have people been able to re-locate to the new seats in this stand yet ? I never actually looked when my SC was up for renewal
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