Not the best game ever, not the worst, but the most "City"..


Well-Known Member
7 Aug 2007
So we have posts on the best game ever and the lowest moment ever, but what sticks out as a day of pure city comedy, a day when we had a great game but your day was a disaster or a day when city plummed umimaginable depths but somehow it was a great day. For me that is the true city a roller coaster of joy, pain, embarassment, enjoyment.

For me there are loads of such days but one I remember was coventry away in 1994 it was I think our first game after franny lee took over. I remember hopes being sky high, talk was of jean pierre papin and other top stars and all our dreams were going to be achieved. I was on the tip of north wales and my brother and I left the house for an hours drive to bangor about 5 in the morning, all day excitement built, we got the train down and we had a big night planned as I was living in cov as a student. Beers flowed, the excitement built a big win was coming or a famous coventry comeback. Even the appearance of carl shutt and michel vonk with carl griffiths did not worry me, terry phelan on the wing seemed a great move.

Anyway for those of you who were there who will remember we managed to lose 4 0 and big fat mickey quinn was a big part of it. But for nearly the whole second half as we were getting spanked the away fans kept singing franny lees blue and white army. Never before on such a cold miserable, depressing day had I seen the fans so strong. A great night followed and funnily enough I had a great day despite seeing one of our worst top flight teams ever performing as badly as possible.

That for me typified city and everything we were for the first 25 odd years of my city supporting life!

Anyone else remember that day or have a better "city" comedy moments?
Re: Not the best game ever not the worst but the most City......

We were at that game, I seem to remember we gave a sgood as we got until they got their first then totally capitulated!
One for me was Oxford away in 1983/4. I'd just moved up to Chester after living in Reading, so was in touch with my ex footy mates back in Manchester. Thirteen of us left Prestwich in a transit van on Friday afternoon, after a very eventful booze fuelled trip we stopped at a small place near Oxford called ex's sister lived there and she'd offered to put us all up for the night. Her and her fella took us to the local and we got a lock in, got back to theirs for more beer and bacon butties. Top hosts. We left early next day to spend lunchtime in Oxford then onto match....we lost that 3-0 then after the game one of our lot got arrested so we all jumped into the van to go to the nick to wait for Al. The pub next to the police station was so funny with other blues in there waiting for their mates singing and laughing you would've thought we'd won.
Then when he got released it was off to Reading to meet my ex and her mates and go clubbing. Can't remember the name of the club we finished in but it had a swimming pool outside and there was a bit of mither with some of our lads and a few Chelsea fans but soon got sorted with no harm done.
We crashed out at Hazel's house and next morning had one of the funniest journey's home with so much banter and dicking around I could write a chapter about it.
So we lost 3-0 but had one of the best weekend ever following City.
Oxford back when they played at the Manor was a wicked day out remeber some classics. Don't remember us winning most of them though.

Pity to see grounds like that go
Remember playing Middlesborough at home a few years back at Maine Road. We had 19 shots on goal and they didnt have any but we stil lost 1-0. Sun Jihai own goal.

Typical City.
I remember Nicky Weaver, against Charlton at Maine Rd clearing the ball upfield but unfortunately for him Richard Dunnes huge back got in the way and the ball sailed back over his head and into our goal...think that made it 1-4...
Two spring to mind that match the criteria in my eyes.

The Spuds 4-3 cup win under Keegan - pure City

And I believe its was Notts County away in the Cup, late 80's early 90's where their keeper had a blinder and we lost.
The most City?


Birmingham away in 1997. We scored near the end then they scored 2 in injury time.

I was sick as a dog. Typical city


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