
You're one moaning, miserable c***. If you don't like what's going on, take your hand out of your pocket and go and support a different club
Were you at Watford yesterday? Have you ever even been to a game? I paid £30 for a ticket yesterday. I've paid no more than £30 for any away game I've attended this season. Yet last season you could be charged £50+ for attending an away game. Fans fought for a ticket price cap yet our club was one of seven that voted against that. I't maybe cost us £0.5m on turnover of £430+m this season. About 0.1% of turnover, which is sod all. Yet the club who claims they are "nothing without us" didn't want that.

Yes what they've done today is a fantastic piece of PR but let's not pretend that anyone senior at City gives two shits about those of us who pay for tickets and put ourselves out to attend games.
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It's a really nice thing for the people they visit,i'd love to lock aleks up.. i mean have a cup of tea and a cake with him
Anything else is totally seperate and not for this thread imo
I got to meet Vinny and Clulichy a few maintha ago and they came across too guy's and humble blokes. Congrats to the Blues who have met the players today.
You're one moaning, miserable c***. If you don't like what's going on, take your hand out of your pocket and go and support a different club
I think PB has more than put in enough to the club he loves over the years to be able to voice his discontent without shithouse comments like yours.
If you want to complain about ticket prices then complain about ticket prices, don't just latch on to something unrelated as an excuse.

Of course it's good PR but, regardless of that, it's nice to see things like Vinny popping over for a cup of tea with a couple of fans and I'm sure it means a hell of a lot to them as it would to me. But no, they should stay at home and keep their mouths shut because ticket prices are rising.

You've either unconsciously or purposely missed the point.

Vinnie isn't breaking biscuits with the old dears because that's what he's decided to do this morning. It's a marketing effort intended to promote the club in a positive light and create fan engagement right around the time they're asked to decide whether they want to fork out a fortune or not.

Know that hashtag they're using? There would have been about 6 meetings about that, all deciding whether it fits their brand profile and what it is saying about Manchester City the company. "But what does Nothing really MEAN to people?"

This isn't some charity event they've pulled out of their arse. It's a carefully marketed and maintained approach in order to ultimately create a good atmosphere from the fans to the club. An atmosphere which they can then financially exploit in order to turn a profit.

Doing so in the same time period of yet more rises in what is among the poorest fanbases in the country is ridiculously hypocritical and PB was correct to jump on this for the saccharin based exploitation that this is. Yes, those people will never forget their day and it will be great for them. More power to them, I'm happy for them. But let's not pretend that the "Head of Fan Engagement" really gave a shit about that and instead wanted yet more datapoints about a marketing campaign that they can stick in the Annual Report.
All the happy clappers would do well to take note of PB's posts because you are all getting shafted and smiling about it at the same time.

Off topic claptrap that is posted with an agenda to detract from anything positive to do with City. It's no different than Shearer constantly claiming we don't play well, only the opposition play badly.

If you lot want to have a moan about ticket prices, again, then go do it in the ticket prices thread. Harassing members for enjoying other City in the community endeavours, or for not showing similar faux-outrage over an extra tenner a year increase, is shameful.
This thread reminds me of a very poignant old adage.....

'You can please some of the people some of the time , but not all the people all of the time.
This thread reminds me of a very poignant old adage.....

'You can please some of the people some of the time , but not all the people all of the time.

A better way of putting it is "even if you fuck people in the arse then as long as you smile sweetly some people will be grateful".

Yours is a bit more lyrically satisfying than mine, admittedly.

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