now we can have a day out :)

Whitworth Park said:
Didsbury Dave said:
danebanksheik said:
I was one of the blues who went out via "Wembley Way" after that semi and was amazed that they were allowed to gather in numbers along the way and pick out blues verbally and physically especially as the majority of the blues walking past were families with younger kids and women. There is less hassle at the Swamp. They were baiting blues to stand up to them and some did and they piled in because of their numbers. The last thing you expect to hear is "Fuck off back to Manchester" at a Manchester Derby but doesn't that just sum them up?
I can fully understand any blue who would choose not to go to a game at Wembley against them, but they will of course be there to see you.
I sincerely hope you Mackems will enjoy cup final day as much as we do.

You have given them another huge kick in the bollocks and we all loved it. We hope their form continues and their scumbags fuck off back to East London and find something else to do. You never know, those that are left (I would love to see them get 32,000 in the third tier) may even turn into decent football fans. Enjoy the day everyone.

It was a perfect storm. City fans gathered in their thousands drinking at the other side of the stadium, whereas united fans gathered on wembley way as it gives the best access to their side. The city fans who got coaches didn't have to walk down wembley way, whereas the united fans did. This left a situation where The city fans who got off at wembley park had to run the gauntlet down wembley way outnumbered 5:1.

Even city's hooligan firm who travelled got off at the wrong station and missed wembley way as they'd never been before,

Revenge was exacted at the charity shield a few month later where a big mob of city marched down wembley way and united shit themselves. Not that I'm glorifying hooliganism, but the bullies from the semi final deserved to be taught a lesson from what I've heard.

Correct Dave, same mistake was not made at Charity Shield.
Problem was that the huge City contingent at the Roundabout had no idea what was going on up the road.
Had this mob moved (and I am not suggesting that all the people there wanted a fight) and come about and walked down
Wembley way then the Rags would have come no where near and a lot of the people who got bullied would have been spared
the shit they encountered.
After the game obviously the Rags left first and again any Blues who left early were subjected to their bullying tactics again.
When City exited after the presentation there were huge numbers going down the way and they disappeared.
If we ever play them again I would suggest people who want to avoid the Scum should use Wembley Central if they can.
Also have to say the police were absolutely useless.

This was what really annoyed me at the Semi-final, they did absolutely fuck all to deter United's trouble-makers. Thanks to the organisation cock-up loads of City coaches were parked behind the United end and it was open season when we were heading back to the coaches after the game. Coppers were leaning on the wall watching it go off and doing nothing about it.
In the coach park after the game Utd did not have it all their own way. All the City there were at it and ready after what had happened before the game. Utd wanted to get out pretty sharpish.
AnotherMackem said:
I've always felt there was a similarity between City and Sunderland, we've both had too many years of earache from our respective noisy neighbours and their constant boasting and bragging, as if they have some God given right to superiority and success. I don't think either of them know the word 'humility'.
At least our neighbours had something to beat us up with, but I'm not sure what your neighbours have to crow about, having won nothing domestically for 59 years.

Enjoy your day out, the kids will, its a special day. I can still remember my two trips to Wembley at 12 and 14. Even if you lose, don't let the kids get too upset, and promise them they will go back one day. I had to wait 23 years, and we were in the third tier of English football for my return, but I did make it back eventually, it was another 11 years before I went back again, and this time it was a cup final.

Sunderland are a good club, and have great fans, I'm delighted for you that you have a final to look forward to.
eversince 76 said:
At least we will be at Wembley with a set of fans that actually appreciates to be there.
Would be nice to sing some banter vs the United-fans, either Manchester or Newcastle. Just to set the atmosphere going before kick-off and for both United-fans to listen to in front of their telly.

This is I posted on the night....we had more to lose that the rags arguably, as god knows when this chance would come along again for us, I feared my lads would never ever see us in a cup will be an occasion....Trafalgar Square will be bouncing the night will be a good natured family will be safe....and all will enjoy the build up...30+k will not enjoy the aftermath as much....
No doubt this is going to be a top day out for everyone, I will hopefully be on the bus from Harrogate so will be traveling down the motorway with you Sunderland fans, it will be great at service stations and on Wembley way, take your kids and just enjoy what is a brilliant day out, if we win great but if we lose we will applaud your team off, I think our clubs have been close since you brought 10k to Maine road for your relegation match and your fans celebration of our title winning game, our club is buzzing and yours should be, let's hope the weather is better than what it was in May. Safe trip down have a great day and take lots of photos.
Hi all blues can anyone tell how many season ticket holders do we have at this time. Reason I have a season ticket not on league cup scheme, and 3800 points, I was wondering if I would be in line for a wembley ticket?
Danebankshelk, Didsbury Dave and Whitworth park are 100% spot on.

This is exactly how I saw it. Our group parked our minibus in Harrow on the hill and got the tube to Wembley way.

It was the first time I've been to Wembley so I expected it to be 50:50. I remember looking down Wembley way having just got off the tube and thinking "oh fuck here we go". They literally did outnumber us 5:1 and the City fans there weren't up for scrapping whilst the rags were.

I was spat at, got hit with a bottle and punched twice whilst being on my own, they were literally ganging up on innocent City fans and bullying them. The next day I spoke to my mate who got an official coach down, so went to the round about. I explained what happened and he couldn't believe it as he didn't see anything.

I didn't go to the charity shield but my mate was part of the gang of City fans on Wembley way and he said they gave the rags a good kicking as revenge for the semi. He's a bit of a chav and into that but I'm not at all.

On the pitch I wasn't arsed about who we got as we're better than Sunderland and Utd but I'm glad many families can go now and be safe, the safest blues at the semi in 2011 were gangs of blokes. I think that says it all about "them" really.

I also got called a "northern monkey" and "manc twat" by Utd fans - unbelievable.
Funny seeing City's firm at the Charity Shield get on the tune at Harrow on the hill, like a military operation.
I wouldn't worry about us getting United at Wembley again, the mistakes made at the semi won't be repeated.

As for Sunderland fans, sound as fuck.
Worked up in South Shields on a contract for 2yrs, office split 50:50 Geordies and Mackems.
Always found the Geordies a bit deluded
Only violence I saw at the semi was a couple of rags getting attacked near the greyhound for nothing other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Obviously no mither from rags at that end of the ground and safety in numbers.

Saw more against chelsea near those shops on way out.

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