Obama - The Big Issue........

Frank the Yank said:
Clubber said:

Didn't see this posted.

Trump seems such a modest, nice fella. Think he would get on well with Alan Sugar...........

.............As the pair are both jumped up little twats who would sell their grannies arse for a box of Tampons.
Trump is a bombastic clown. The left have had its share of bombastic clowns (whom the media gave respect and actually took seriously) now the right has a carnival barker.

As i said Frank, it does not matter one jot as to who is who, left, right or liberal, the Agenda is already in place pal. IT DOES'NT MATTER WHO IS WHO.
Let's get down to the real questions - is Donald Trump's hair concealing a nest of UFOs? Or just a nest of a pair of broody mallards? Has he got a fire certificate for it? And what happens on windy days?<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:07 am --<br /><br />
buzzer1 said:
Frank the Yank said:
Trump is a bombastic clown. The left have had its share of bombastic clowns (whom the media gave respect and actually took seriously) now the right has a carnival barker.

As i said Frank, it does not matter one jot as to who is who, left, right or liberal, the Agenda is already in place pal. IT DOES'NT MATTER WHO IS WHO.

But what about Who's Who?
And last nights agenda clearly stated: 'Complaint to be raised with suppliers re delivery of stale cheese and onion crisps.' But this was only item 14 on the Any Other Business list of the AGM of The Calder Valley Nine Card Don League.
Why Obama has failed and why the republicans are gaining in popularity,

I like many other had a lot of high hoped for Americas new prez in 2008, now frankly he's let me and many others down. The republicans are smartly ignoring big social issues like homosexuality, abortion and church+state and instead are focusing on the economy and taxes. The repubs are FINALLY realising that social issues are not going to get them very far. They are using immigration and anti-sharia scare tactics mixed with the presidents un-WASPy background to legitimize themselves and unite their base while also trying to convince the independents.
Obama is unfortunately too focused on winning the next election than to actually stand up for his values. He has been talking to much of koom ba yaa cooperartion and bi partisanship instead of rallying his base and steering the US out of its center-right leanings.
nashark said:
Does it really matter if he's not American?

I don't think it does.

Of course it matters if he isnt American mainly because your not allowed to even run for President if your not born in America<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:22 am --<br /><br />Trust the conspiracy theorists to come in and ruin a perfectly good thread on Obama
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nashark said:
Does it really matter if he's not American?

I don't think it does.

Of course it matters if he isnt American mainly because your not allowed to even run for President if your not born in America

-- Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:22 am --

Trust the conspiracy theorists to come in and ruin a perfectly good thread on Obama

There you go again with your toys outta the pram. The thread is about erm, erm Obama or whatever the fuk his name is is it not?
And thepolice state is the other thread i think pal, trynna shut down what people say is just what that thread is about, a Police State.

PS, whenevr someone makes a thread about some Conspiracy or other then be sure to butt out of it or i will say"trust the Sheeple to ruin a good UFO/nwo thread", see how easy that was boyblue? The thread says Obama, big issue does it not? if anyone has added to it then it is relevant to the thread me thinks if indeed there is a slight thread deviate. "Get back in line and don't step out again", hahaha unbelievable.
buzzer1 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Of course it matters if he isnt American mainly because your not allowed to even run for President if your not born in America

-- Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:22 am --

Trust the conspiracy theorists to come in and ruin a perfectly good thread on Obama

There you go again with your toys outta the pram. The thread is about erm, erm Obama or whatever the fuk his name is is it not?
And thepolice state is the other thread i think pal, trynna shut down what people say is just what that thread is about, a Police State.

PS, whenevr someone makes a thread about some Conspiracy or other then be sure to butt out of it or i will say"trust the Sheeple to ruin a good UFO/nwo thread", see how easy that was boyblue? The thread says Obama, big issue does it not? if anyone has added to it then it is relevant to the thread me thinks if indeed there is a slight thread deviate. "Get back in line and don't step out again", hahaha unbelievable.

I went fishing and i caught a massive one
BoyBlue_1985 said:
buzzer1 said:

There you go again with your toys outta the pram. The thread is about erm, erm Obama or whatever the fuk his name is is it not?
And thepolice state is the other thread i think pal, trynna shut down what people say is just what that thread is about, a Police State.

PS, whenevr someone makes a thread about some Conspiracy or other then be sure to butt out of it or i will say"trust the Sheeple to ruin a good UFO/nwo thread", see how easy that was boyblue? The thread says Obama, big issue does it not? if anyone has added to it then it is relevant to the thread me thinks if indeed there is a slight thread deviate. "Get back in line and don't step out again", hahaha unbelievable.

I went fishing and i caught a massive one

No mate thats just it you see, that is society today, right there.
It is'nt the first time that you have said such things so fishing it certainly is'nt. I am going fishing now on the canal with me Girls, got me tin foil hat and boots so no worries.
buzzer1 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I went fishing and i caught a massive one

No mate thats just it you see, that is society today, right there.
It is'nt the first time that you have said such things so fishing it certainly is'nt. I am going fishing now on the canal with me Girls, got me tin foil hat and boots so no worries.

No most of the time i am actually questioning you but after i chat i gave up really. So this morning was fishing. Anyway if there is any conspiracy theory i do believe in it is this one, rockafellas and the illuminati is something i can believe in
Q8-Blue said:
Why Obama has failed and why the republicans are gaining in popularity,

I like many other had a lot of high hoped for Americas new prez in 2008, now frankly he's let me and many others down. The republicans are smartly ignoring big social issues like homosexuality, abortion and church+state and instead are focusing on the economy and taxes. The repubs are FINALLY realising that social issues are not going to get them very far. They are using immigration and anti-sharia scare tactics mixed with the presidents un-WASPy background to legitimize themselves and unite their base while also trying to convince the independents.
Obama is unfortunately too focused on winning the next election than to actually stand up for his values. He has been talking to much of koom ba yaa cooperartion and bi partisanship instead of rallying his base and steering the US out of its center-right leanings.

The economy is a far, far bigger issue than gay marriage or abortion.
ElanJo said:
Q8-Blue said:
Why Obama has failed and why the republicans are gaining in popularity,

I like many other had a lot of high hoped for Americas new prez in 2008, now frankly he's let me and many others down. The republicans are smartly ignoring big social issues like homosexuality, abortion and church+state and instead are focusing on the economy and taxes. The repubs are FINALLY realising that social issues are not going to get them very far. They are using immigration and anti-sharia scare tactics mixed with the presidents un-WASPy background to legitimize themselves and unite their base while also trying to convince the independents.
Obama is unfortunately too focused on winning the next election than to actually stand up for his values. He has been talking to much of koom ba yaa cooperartion and bi partisanship instead of rallying his base and steering the US out of its center-right leanings.

The economy is a far, far bigger issue than gay marriage or abortion.

Not if your a Christian in the bible belt it aint!!!

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