Obscure questions that need answering

If you travelled away from a light source faster than the speed of light, with another light source closing faster than the speed of light in the opposite direction, would you be able to observe your own form?
Are you travelling in a straight line or are you orbiting a body? What is the mass of that body? At what radius are you orbiting, if you are orbiting? What is your mass? What is your direction of travel compared to said light in the other 7/8/23 dimensions?
Are you travelling in a straight line or are you orbiting a body? What is the mass of that body? What is your mass? What is your direction of travel compared to said light in the other 7/8/23 dimensions?

My answer was based on the fact that you are not going to be travelling faster than the speed of light regardless.
It's irrelevant. Nobody is travelling faster than the speed of light.
Speed of light as measured in XYZ. What about in DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?


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