obsessed about united

That is the most hippercritical thing I have heard claiming that city are obsessed with united..

So why is it in a huge pub in sheffield when the rags were playing chelsea in the CL final last year, when you actually won it all of the plastic southerners were jumping on tables singing "why dont city fuck off home" and the fans at the final in Moscow were singing it as well.

The question is why are you arsed about city having just won the CL leage? If city won in a final, I wouldnt give a shit about the rags, i wouldnt speak of them for days, I would be enjoying the glory and chanting about city not the rags.

So dont try claim we are obsessed.
berti33 said:
just looking at your forum, as i sometimes do just to have a laugh, and i noticed how obsessed you are with united on your first page there are 10 topics on united, more than about your own team.
You wonder why we call you bitter. just an observation.
call me what you want but it's true.

When it's your shower you call it banter, when it's us it's bitter? Personally I am only interested in your shower when we play you.
berti33 said:
mcfc22 said:
Don't forget the U N I T E D song

That's the sort of song a 2 year old would sing

What like come on city come on city

Nick nack paddywack, any cnut who sings that at a match should be shot so thats every dick at the swamp, inbetween clicking away with your cameras
tonythecoleman said:
a couple of years ago nited played sunderland away live on telly.i counted niteds songs from the start. six songs were all about city,were f****N obsessed? now piss off our site u piece o shite.

with all due respect, don't you think (1) watching a rags match and (2) counting their nursery rhymes is a bit, y'know, obsessed?
billybragg said:
tonythecoleman said:
a couple of years ago nited played sunderland away live on telly.i counted niteds songs from the start. six songs were all about city,were f****N obsessed? now piss off our site u piece o shite.

with all due respect, don't you think (1) watching a rags match and (2) counting their nursery rhymes is a bit, y'know, obsessed?

I was sat in a bar in Majorca with a rag relative and I bet a pint they would sing a anti City song within 5 minutes,
Nick nack paddy wack guess who won a pint 23 seconds was all it took
berti33 said:
just looking at your forum, as i sometimes do just to have a laugh, and i noticed how obsessed you are with united on your first page there are 10 topics on united, more than about your own team.
You wonder why we call you bitter. just an observation.
call me what you want but it's true.

OK so there's another football team mentioned on a FOOTBALL forum, shit now that’s really thrown me off guard but what about all those threads about Newcastle..? We are clearly obsessed. So there is another football team mentioned on a Man City forum that we have had an intense rivalry with since the year dot, again that’s really surprising.

So instead of sitting there in Croydon posting on your own teams forum you decide to spend your time logging onto our BLUEMOON forum and tell us were obsessed with you?? Good work lad, gonk give your head a wobble

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