Odd eating habits

Try this:

1. Rip bits of bread up and place them in a mug (almost to the top)
2. Put a dollop of butter on top and sprinkle 1 whole oxo cube
3. Pour hot water to fill about half the mug and stir
4. All of the bread should look fairly soggy and all the contents should be blackish so if not then add more water
5. Eat with a teaspoon
6. Post on here and admit that as horrible as it sounds that it is in fact amazing
ImAwesome said:
Try this:

1. Rip bits of bread up and place them in a mug (almost to the top)
2. Put a dollop of butter on top and sprinkle 1 whole oxo cube
3. Pour hot water to fill about half the mug and stir
4. All of the bread should look fairly soggy and all the contents should be blackish so if not then add more water
5. Eat with a teaspoon
6. Post on here and admit that as horrible as it sounds that it is in fact amazing

Gravy and bread?
This is odd.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/odd/news/a454557/woman-addicted-to-eating-cat-hair-video.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/odd/news/a4 ... video.html</a>
Swales lives said:
I saw a posh old dear on the telly once, going on about etiquette.
She ate a banana with a knife and fork - the mad old c*nt.

I make a butty out of the meal if I can, nothing better than a stew-butty.

Stew buttys are the best.

I like to eat. That's it.
citykev28 said:
Jesus, I could be here all night.

Beans can go on toast but never bread.

Ham sandwiches, ham & tomato sauce, ham & cheese, cheese, cheese & sauce all fine but never ham, cheese and sauce.

Beans and gravy on the same plate should be banned and if a place where you've bought a meal serves up beans and gravy, you should eat for free.

Chips are fine on a barmcake but should never be eaten with a muffin.

When eating a Sunday dinner, all the vegetables should be eaten first so you're left with the good stuff like the mash, roasters and meat.

I've never eaten black pudding. I intend to try it but it will have to be under the right circumstances like a stag party or a weekend away with the missus.

Beans should be placed near my chips, not all over the fuckers.

There's more but my tea's ready.

Wow im like you. I do all the above as well as

Chips can be served with ham but never with bacon

Butter only on toast, bertolli only on bread.

Bacon on crossiants is allowed, ham is not.
citykev28 said:
Jesus, I could be here all night.

Beans can go on toast but never bread.

Ham sandwiches, ham & tomato sauce, ham & cheese, cheese, cheese & sauce all fine but never ham, cheese and sauce.

Beans and gravy on the same plate should be banned and if a place where you've bought a meal serves up beans and gravy, you should eat for free.

Pizzas should always involve pineapple and preferably with doner meat.

Chips are fine on a barmcake but should never be eaten with a muffin.

When eating a Sunday dinner, all the vegetables should be eaten first so you're left with the good stuff like the mash, roasters and meat.

I've never eaten black pudding. I intend to try it but it will have to be under the right circumstances like a stag party or a weekend away with the missus.

Beans should be placed near my chips, not all over the fuckers.

There's more but my tea's ready.

is that a Euphemism Kev?
Martyn said:
ImAwesome said:
Try this:

1. Rip bits of bread up and place them in a mug (almost to the top)
2. Put a dollop of butter on top and sprinkle 1 whole oxo cube
3. Pour hot water to fill about half the mug and stir
4. All of the bread should look fairly soggy and all the contents should be blackish so if not then add more water
5. Eat with a teaspoon
6. Post on here and admit that as horrible as it sounds that it is in fact amazing

Gravy and bread?

I think you might be making gravy wrong. If you take the bread out you would just have oxo flavoured water.

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