Odd eating habits

waterloo blue said:
Not so much eating but drinking, in North Queensland a bloke from Papua New Guinea was in the boozer and ordered VB(fizzy shite lager) with Orange Juice.
The barman told me it's quite common for PNG blokes to do this,I wasn't tempted to try it.

Think it originated in Saaad Apprica, and they call it " Brown Cow " but milk and Regular Coca Cola is an ace refreshing drink in the summer!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I sometimes drink Nam Pla sauce (which is basically fermented fish) straight from the bottle.

<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_sauce" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_sauce</a>

I knew there was a reason i didnt trust you

Haddock man
Thai stir fry with a runny fried egg on top, especially Pad ka prao.
I knew a guy who's diet consisted of mostly pomme-bear's thats a weird habit.

As for the guy who said tomato ketchup on a ham sandwhich, for shame!

When I was young, I used to like licking all the flavour off my crisps first, then eating them (one by one, you understand, not lick flavour off, put to one side and then eat them later).

When I lived in Bristol, i discovered a strange sandwhich combination. If any of you are familiar with a sandwhich place called Maximillians, you should go. It is fantastic. It basically has 4/5 cooked meats, and you can get a massive barm and choose salad to go inside your buttie with your meat. My favourite combo was roast pork and stuffing with sweet and sour sauce, black olives, jalapenos, lettuce, and pasta. Its absolutely fantastic.

I also like my sandwhiches squashed, and again, when young I loved getting a really soft slice of white bread, covering it in butter, cutting the crusts off then folding it in half and squashing it with the side of a butter knife til it was not a folded piece of bread, but almost one piece again. Loved it for some reason

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