Offical Election thread

Ducado said:
masterwig said:
Thatcher did that. Mass privatisation which means the people owning the industries are in it for profit with shareholders to answer to and it's cheaper to operate abroad. It's therefore inevitable that industry will head elsewhere.

Labour did nothing to halt the privatisation and they should be criticised for that but ultimately Thatcher started it off.

So you are saying that nationalised industry worked? Like hell it did, they were inefficient and loss making, and who picked up the tab, the taxpayer!

Are you sure she decimated industry? Sure in the early 80's interest rates were too high, but the country needed to adjust, what happened would have happened regardless.

I am not saying the Tory governments of the 80's and 90's were perfect far from it, they did much that I disagreed with at the time, however if they would have kept in power we would not be in the mess we are in now, and yes we face one of the biggest economic crisis every faced by this country

i beg to differ, we are in the mess we are in thanks to thatcher. manufacturing industry was looked down on. while financial institutions and the service sector were revered.

it wasn't manufacturing, that brought this country to its very knees, or even striking miners, but the greed of the financial institutions of the USA and the city of London,

her contempt for our heavy industry`s and its workforce was blatently obvious. yet its the city that are still profitting for our country and its peoples plight. if david campbell get`s in these are the very people that will profit again by tax cut for the extremely wealth.
You seem to have this romantic view of the heavy manufacturing industry in this country, the fact is most of it went down the pan when it could not compete with countries such as Japan and Korea (at the time) and West Germany, fast forward to today and those countries can not compete with China, and have suffered much higher unemployment.

The Tories made an environment were business could flourish, lower tax, less regulation, reform of the employment legislation, raining in the unions etc, and many businesses did flourish.

Yes at the time it did seem very brutal and unemployment was terrible, however it laid the foundations for a better economic base.

The world is run on a free market basis (on the whole) it would be nice to have ourselves insulated from it, but we would suffer much more. In the end it is the private sector that creates the wealth that governments need to spend on vital services
Ducado said:
You seem to have this romantic view of the heavy manufacturing industry in this country, the fact is most of it went down the pan when it could not compete with countries such as Japan and Korea (at the time) and West Germany, fast forward to today and those countries can not compete with China, and have suffered much higher unemployment.

The Tories made an environment were business could flourish, lower tax, less regulation, reform of the employment legislation, raining in the unions etc, and many businesses did flourish.

Yes at the time it did seem very brutal and unemployment was terrible, however it laid the foundations for a better economic base.

The world is run on a free market basis (on the whole) it would be nice to have ourselves insulated from it, but we would suffer much more. In the end it is the private sector that creates the wealth that governments need to spend on vital services
I read comments like this and I can't beleive it, absolutely astounding.
1.618034 said:
So the question is...

Are the Tories willing to agree to at least put the system to the vote, or delay getting a "strong, stable government"...?

Too many vested interests have been at the top of too many people's agendas for too long.

Why should they agree to it? Because it's what most of the country want! FUCK the MPs holding onto their safe seats and jobs for life. The expenses scandal showed them for what they are. A bunch of free-loading philosophical prostitutes. Labour, Conservative and lib-Dem.

This is the biggest CHANGE that's needed and demanded.

The electoral system is just the beginning.

If the Tories dig their heels in now, just watch their vote collapse at the next election. They got 36% vs Lib-Dem 24%. Only a 6% swing needed to obliterate that. Democracy? My arse!
Well said, completely agree.
Ducado said:
You seem to have this romantic view of the heavy manufacturing industry in this country, the fact is most of it went down the pan when it could not compete with countries such as Japan and Korea (at the time) and West Germany, fast forward to today and those countries can not compete with China, and have suffered much higher unemployment.

The Tories made an environment were business could flourish, lower tax, less regulation, reform of the employment legislation, raining in the unions etc, and many businesses did flourish.

Yes at the time it did seem very brutal and unemployment was terrible, however it laid the foundations for a better economic base.

The world is run on a free market basis (on the whole) it would be nice to have ourselves insulated from it, but we would suffer much more. In the end it is the private sector that creates the wealth that governments need to spend on vital services

we all know industry`s come and go, nothing lasts for ever. but as i stated it was the general feeling toward any manufacturing that it was 2nd class and was there to be tolerated. unlike germany before re-unification where engineering industry was revered
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
he's more right to being prime minister than Gordon's ever had.

No he hasn't. Posh Dave didn't win enough seats, so he can get to fuck.
Stay put Gordon, handcuff yourself to a radiator and swallow the key.

That'll learn 'em!!!

yes that guy who was unchallenged to become of a labour government in power when the public voted for a labour government with Tony Blair as PM.

So he's totally unelected and has less seats than Cameron when the public finally got the right to vote for who they wanted, he can fuck off back to Scotland the undemocratic twat.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
No he hasn't. Posh Dave didn't win enough seats, so he can get to fuck.
Stay put Gordon, handcuff yourself to a radiator and swallow the key.

That'll learn 'em!!!

yes that guy who was unchallenged to become of a labour government in power when the public voted for a labour government with Tony Blair as PM.

So he's totally unelected and has less seats than Cameron when the public finally got the right to vote for who they wanted, he can fuck off back to Scotland the undemocratic twat.
But not enough of the British people are convinced he's good enough to be PM. If they were he'd have a majority government. Simple as that.
Halfpenny said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
yes that guy who was unchallenged to become of a labour government in power when the public voted for a labour government with Tony Blair as PM.

So he's totally unelected and has less seats than Cameron when the public finally got the right to vote for who they wanted, he can fuck off back to Scotland the undemocratic twat.
But not enough of the British people are convinced he's good enough to be PM. If they were he'd have a majority government. Simple as that.

More peoplw want him than the previously unelected Gordon Brown, so, yeah, why should Gordon be PM just because the Labour party was unjustly undemocratic when Blair left?

I fully support Nick Clegg not wanting Brown involved, and I don't even particularly like the Lib Dems, but I completely agree with him on that.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Halfpenny said:
But not enough of the British people are convinced he's good enough to be PM. If they were he'd have a majority government. Simple as that.

More peoplw want him than the previously unelected Gordon Brown, so, yeah, why should Gordon be PM just because the Labour party was unjustly undemocratic when Blair left?

I fully support Nick Clegg not wanting Brown involved, and I don't even particularly like the Lib Dems, but I completely agree with him on that.
On the subject of coalitions, I can't see Clegg dropping PR as a demand so I doubt there will be a ConLib coalition. I would like to see LabLib without Brown as PM, with a few of the nationalists to make up the numbers.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Halfpenny said:
But not enough of the British people are convinced he's good enough to be PM. If they were he'd have a majority government. Simple as that.

More peoplw want him than the previously unelected Gordon Brown, so, yeah, why should Gordon be PM just because the Labour party was unjustly undemocratic when Blair left?

I fully support Nick Clegg not wanting Brown involved, and I don't even particularly like the Lib Dems, but I completely agree with him on that.

To Legend of Berti:
1. When you vote in a General Election, you vote for a party not a leader.
2. Labour Party leaders are not elected by the public, they are selected by the party - y'know like getting a job.
3. Cameron is a twat.

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